直流无刷电机FOC控制算法 理论到实践 —— 实践


  • 直流无刷电机FOC控制算法 理论到实践 —— 实践
    • 1. 前言
    • 2. FOC控制整体流程
    • 3. FOC实现
      • 3.1 定时器实现
        • 3.1.1 代码实现
      • 3.2 角度识别
        • 3.2.1 机械角度计算
        • 3.2.2 电角度计算
        • 3.2.3 代码实现
      • 3.3 角度识别初步验证
      • 3.4 电流采集
      • 3.5 Clark和Park变化
        • 3.5.1 代码实现
      • 3.6 电流环PID计算
        • 3.6.1 代码实现
      • 3.7 反Park变化及SVPWM
        • 3.7.1 代码实现
      • 3.8 反Park变化及SVPWM算法验证
        • 3.8.1 代码实现
      • 3.9 角度识别深度验证
      • 3.10 电流环PID调节
    • 4. 速度环PID实现
    • 5. 结束语

1. 前言


直流无刷电机FOC控制算法 理论到实践 —— 理论(一)

直流无刷电机FOC控制算法 理论到实践 —— 理论(二)


2. FOC控制整体流程


  1. 采集电机三相相电流 Ia Ib Ic
  2. 将三相相电流通过 Clark 变化得到 Iα Iβ
  3. 将 Iα Iβ 通过 Park 变化得到 Id Iq
  4. 根据 Id Iq 和目标 Id_target Iq_target 进行 PID 计算得到 Uq Ud (电流环)
  5. 将 Uq Ud 通过反 Park 变换得到 Uα Uβ
  6. 将 Uα Uβ 作为SVPWM的输入,得到三路半桥的PWM输出定时器的比较寄存器值CCR

3. FOC实现


  • 主控 MCU 以 GD32F4xx
  • 电机反馈信号为正交编码信号+绝对位置磁传感器信号
  • 正交编码器分辨率为1024

3.1 定时器实现




3.1.1 代码实现

  1. 配置定时器输出三路互补的PWM,完成三路半桥的驱动,同时打开定时器的更新中断,在更新中断内完成FOC计算:
#define TIMER_PWM_ARR       10000static void pwm_gpio_config(void){    rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_GPIOA);    rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_GPIOB);    rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_GPIOC);        gpio_mode_set(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN_7);    gpio_output_options_set(GPIOA, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ,GPIO_PIN_7);    gpio_mode_set(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1);    gpio_output_options_set(GPIOB, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ, GPIO_PIN_0 | GPIO_PIN_1);    gpio_mode_set(GPIOC, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7 | GPIO_PIN_8);    gpio_output_options_set(GPIOC, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ, GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7 | GPIO_PIN_8);        gpio_af_set(GPIOA, GPIO_AF_3, GPIO_PIN_7);    gpio_af_set(GPIOB, GPIO_AF_3, GPIO_PIN_0);    gpio_af_set(GPIOB, GPIO_AF_3, GPIO_PIN_1);    gpio_af_set(GPIOC, GPIO_AF_3, GPIO_PIN_6);    gpio_af_set(GPIOC, GPIO_AF_3, GPIO_PIN_7);    gpio_af_set(GPIOC, GPIO_AF_3, GPIO_PIN_8);}static void pwm_timer_config(void){    timer_oc_parameter_struct timer_ocintpara = {0};    timer_parameter_struct timer_initpara = {0};    timer_break_parameter_struct timer_breakpara = {0};    rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_TIMER7);    rcu_timer_clock_prescaler_config(RCU_TIMER_PSC_MUL4);    timer_deinit(TIMER7);    /* TIMER1 configuration */    timer_initpara.prescaler         = 12 - 1;    timer_initpara.alignedmode       = TIMER_COUNTER_CENTER_UP;    timer_initpara.counterdirection  = TIMER_COUNTER_UP;    timer_initpara.period            = 1000-1;    timer_initpara.clockdivision     = TIMER_CKDIV_DIV1;    timer_initpara.repetitioncounter = 1;    timer_init(TIMER7, &timer_initpara);     /* CH0/CH0N,CH1/CH1N and CH2/CH2N configuration in pwm0 mode */    timer_ocintpara.outputstate  = TIMER_CCX_DISABLE;    timer_ocintpara.outputnstate = TIMER_CCXN_DISABLE;    timer_ocintpara.ocpolarity   = TIMER_OC_POLARITY_HIGH;    timer_ocintpara.ocnpolarity  = TIMER_OCN_POLARITY_HIGH;    timer_ocintpara.ocidlestate  = TIMER_OC_IDLE_STATE_LOW;    timer_ocintpara.ocnidlestate = TIMER_OCN_IDLE_STATE_HIGH;    timer_channel_output_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_0,&timer_ocintpara);    timer_channel_output_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_1,&timer_ocintpara);    timer_channel_output_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_2,&timer_ocintpara);    timer_channel_output_pulse_value_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_0,0);    timer_channel_output_mode_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_0,TIMER_OC_MODE_PWM0);    timer_channel_output_shadow_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_0,TIMER_OC_SHADOW_ENABLE);    timer_channel_output_pulse_value_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_1,0);    timer_channel_output_mode_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_1,TIMER_OC_MODE_PWM0);    timer_channel_output_shadow_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_1,TIMER_OC_SHADOW_ENABLE);    timer_channel_output_pulse_value_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_2,0);    timer_channel_output_mode_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_2,TIMER_OC_MODE_PWM0);    timer_channel_output_shadow_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_2,TIMER_OC_SHADOW_ENABLE);    /* automatic output enable, break, dead time and lock configuration*/    timer_breakpara.runoffstate         = TIMER_ROS_STATE_ENABLE;    timer_breakpara.ideloffstate        = TIMER_IOS_STATE_ENABLE ;    timer_breakpara.deadtime            = 84;   /* 死区时间340ns */    timer_breakpara.breakpolarity       = TIMER_BREAK_POLARITY_LOW;    timer_breakpara.outputautostate     = TIMER_OUTAUTO_ENABLE;    timer_breakpara.protectmode         = TIMER_CCHP_PROT_OFF;    timer_breakpara.breakstate          = TIMER_BREAK_DISABLE;    timer_break_config(TIMER7, &timer_breakpara);        timer_primary_output_config(TIMER7, ENABLE);        /* TIMER7 channel clear update interrupt */    timer_interrupt_flag_clear(TIMER7, TIMER_INT_FLAG_UP);    /* TIMER7 channel control update interrupt enable */    timer_interrupt_enable(TIMER7, TIMER_INT_UP);    /* TIMER7 break interrupt disable */    timer_interrupt_disable(TIMER7,TIMER_INT_BRK);        /* TIMER7 counter enable */    timer_disable(TIMER7);}static void pwm_nvic_config(void){    nvic_irq_enable(TIMER7_UP_TIMER12_IRQn, 2, 1);}void set_motor_break(uint8_t state){    if (state != 0)        timer_break_enable(TIMER7);    else        timer_break_disable(TIMER7);}/** * @brief 设置电机PWM输出使能 *  * @note 注意,此函数会关闭输出之后重新配置,因此禁止在pwm更新中断内调用,否则会影响输出波形 * @param state  */void set_motor_pwm_output(uint8_t state){    if (state != 0) {        timer_channel_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_0,TIMER_CCX_ENABLE);        timer_channel_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_1,TIMER_CCX_ENABLE);        timer_channel_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_2,TIMER_CCX_ENABLE);        timer_channel_complementary_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_0,TIMER_CCXN_ENABLE);        timer_channel_complementary_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_1,TIMER_CCXN_ENABLE);        timer_channel_complementary_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_2,TIMER_CCXN_ENABLE);    } else {        timer_channel_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_0,TIMER_CCX_DISABLE);        timer_channel_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_1,TIMER_CCX_DISABLE);        timer_channel_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_2,TIMER_CCX_DISABLE);        timer_channel_complementary_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_0,TIMER_CCXN_DISABLE);        timer_channel_complementary_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_1,TIMER_CCXN_DISABLE);        timer_channel_complementary_output_state_config(TIMER7,TIMER_CH_2,TIMER_CCXN_DISABLE);    }}void set_motor_pwm_duty(uint8_t channel, float duty){    uint32_t arr = TIMER_PWM_ARR;    uint32_t ccr = (uint32_t)(duty * arr);    switch (channel) {        case 0:            timer_channel_output_pulse_value_config(TIMER7, TIMER_CH_0, duty);            break;        case 1:            timer_channel_output_pulse_value_config(TIMER7, TIMER_CH_1, duty);            break;        case 2:            timer_channel_output_pulse_value_config(TIMER7, TIMER_CH_2, duty);            break;        default:            break;    }}void pwm_timer_ctrl(uint8_t state){    if (state) {        timer_enable(TIMER7);    } else {        timer_disable(TIMER7);    }}void TIMER7_UP_TIMER12_IRQHandler(void){    timer_interrupt_flag_clear(TIMER7, TIMER_INT_UP);    motor_run_control();}
  1. 配置定时器为输入捕获模式,完成对磁传感器反馈识别:
static __IO uint8_t capture_step = 0;static __IO uint8_t capture_period = 0;__IO uint32_t pulse_width = 0;__IO uint32_t cycle_width = 0;__IO float duty = 0;static void input_capture_gpio_config(void){    rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_GPIOA);    /*configure PA3 (TIMER4 CH3) as alternate function*/    gpio_mode_set(GPIOA, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN_3);    gpio_output_options_set(GPIOA, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ,GPIO_PIN_3);    gpio_af_set(GPIOA, GPIO_AF_2, GPIO_PIN_3);}static void input_capture_nvic_config(void){    nvic_irq_enable(TIMER4_IRQn, 1, 1);}static void input_capture_timer_config(void){    /* TIMER4 configuration: input capture mode -------------------    the external signal is connected to TIMER4 CH3 pin (PA3)    the rising edge is used as active edge    the TIMER4 CH3CV is used to compute the frequency value    ------------------------------------------------------------ */    timer_ic_parameter_struct timer_icinitpara = {0};    timer_parameter_struct timer_initpara = {0};    rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_TIMER4);    rcu_timer_clock_prescaler_config(RCU_TIMER_PSC_MUL4);    timer_deinit(TIMER4);    /* TIMER4 configuration */    timer_initpara.prescaler         = 240-1;    timer_initpara.alignedmode       = TIMER_COUNTER_EDGE;    timer_initpara.counterdirection  = TIMER_COUNTER_UP;    timer_initpara.period            = 65535;    timer_initpara.clockdivision     = TIMER_CKDIV_DIV1;    timer_initpara.repetitioncounter = 0;    timer_init(TIMER4,&timer_initpara);    /* TIMER4  configuration */    /* TIMER4 CH3 input capture configuration */    timer_icinitpara.icpolarity  = TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING;    timer_icinitpara.icselection = TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI;    timer_icinitpara.icprescaler = TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV1;    timer_icinitpara.icfilter    = 0x0;    timer_input_capture_config(TIMER4, TIMER_CH_3, &timer_icinitpara);    /* auto-reload preload enable */    timer_auto_reload_shadow_enable(TIMER4);    /* clear channel 3 interrupt bit */    timer_interrupt_flag_clear(TIMER4,TIMER_INT_CH3);    /* channel 3 interrupt enable */    timer_interrupt_enable(TIMER4,TIMER_INT_CH3);    /* timer up interrupt enable */    timer_interrupt_enable(TIMER4,TIMER_INT_UP);    /* TIMER4 counter enable */    timer_enable(TIMER4);}
  1. 配置定时器为编码器模式,完成对增量式编码器信号的采集:
static void encoder_gpio_config(void){    rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_GPIOB);    gpio_mode_set(GPIOB, GPIO_MODE_AF, GPIO_PUPD_NONE, GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5);    gpio_output_options_set(GPIOB, GPIO_OTYPE_PP, GPIO_OSPEED_50MHZ, GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5);        gpio_af_set(GPIOB, GPIO_AF_2, GPIO_PIN_4);    gpio_af_set(GPIOB, GPIO_AF_2, GPIO_PIN_5);}static void encoder_timer_config(void){    timer_ic_parameter_struct timer_icinitpara = {0};    timer_parameter_struct timer_initpara = {0};    rcu_periph_clock_enable(RCU_TIMER2);    rcu_timer_clock_prescaler_config(RCU_TIMER_PSC_MUL4);    timer_deinit(TIMER2);    /* TIMER2 configuration */    timer_initpara.prescaler         = 0;    timer_initpara.alignedmode       = TIMER_COUNTER_EDGE;    timer_initpara.counterdirection  = TIMER_COUNTER_UP;    timer_initpara.period            = 65535;    timer_initpara.clockdivision     = TIMER_CKDIV_DIV1;    timer_initpara.repetitioncounter = 0;    timer_init(TIMER2,&timer_initpara);    /* TIMER2  configuration */    /* TIMER2 CH0 CH1 input capture configuration */    timer_icinitpara.icpolarity  = TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING;    timer_icinitpara.icselection = TIMER_IC_SELECTION_DIRECTTI;    timer_icinitpara.icprescaler = TIMER_IC_PSC_DIV1;    timer_icinitpara.icfilter    = 0x00;    timer_input_capture_config(TIMER2, TIMER_CH_0, &timer_icinitpara);    timer_input_capture_config(TIMER2, TIMER_CH_1, &timer_icinitpara);    timer_quadrature_decoder_mode_config (TIMER2, TIMER_ENCODER_MODE2,                            TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING, TIMER_IC_POLARITY_RISING);    timer_enable(TIMER2);}void clear_encoder_timer_cnt(void){    TIMER_CNT(TIMER2) = 0;}uint32_t get_encoder_timer_cnt(void){    return TIMER_CNT(TIMER2);}

3.2 角度识别



电角度,等于机械角度 x 电机极对数,电角度描述的是磁场角度,每从上一个N极到下一个N极,电角度就经过了360°, 由于电机内存在很多对电极,因此电角度往往不等于机械角度,除非只有一对电机,但是一般直流无刷电机不会弄一对电极。

机械角度0°位置确认: 根据电机的类型不同,电机的角度反馈类型也不相同,主要有两种,一种通过三相霍尔进行位置反馈,一种通过磁传感器进行绝对位置反馈

  • 对于采用三相霍尔进行位置反馈的,可通过三相霍尔确定0°电角度所在的位置,机械角度的0°可以选择其中任意一个电角度0°位置作为参考即可,电角度0°位置一般均在霍尔切换的边沿
  • 采用磁传感器进行位置反馈的,磁传感器会直接输出电机的机械角度,通过与磁传感器通讯,即可得到电机的机械角度

电角度0°位置确认: 准备一个直流电源,首先将电流调到一个远小于额定电流的值,按照U+ V- W- 给电机通以额定电压,之后慢慢增大电流,随着电流的增大,产生的磁场将增大,知道生成的磁场将电机吸附到一个特定的角度,同时也无法转动电机时,这个角度即为电机的0°电角度

3.2.1 机械角度计算


需要注意的是,MT6701输出的计算占空比的时候需要增加对Start Pattern和End Pattern的处理

由于此处未将PWM的反馈接入定时器的Channel0 ,而是接入的Channel3 ,因此不能使用定时器的PWM输入功能,只能通过边沿触发来触发中断,对占空比和周期进行计算。

此方案的缺点是:计算出来的角度容易存在波动,特别是当电机极对数比较大的时候,假定极对数为20,通过此方案采集到的占空比波动 0.1%,则机械角度波动 0.1% x 360 = 0.36°,电角度波动 0.36° x 20 = 7.2°

3.2.2 电角度计算

通过绝对位置磁传感器可以获得当前的机械角度,机械角度 x 电机极对数 = 电角度,此方法适用于刚上电,电机转速较慢或静止时对电角度的计算,当电机高速运转时,磁传感器的反馈速度太慢,不能满足对电角度的实时计算,因此在电机高速运转过程中此方法不适用,针对电机运转过程中的角度识别,我们往往采用编码器实现对电机角度的读取。



3.2.3 代码实现


float get_motor_position_sensor_feedback_of_duty(void){    float tmp = 0;    tmp = (duty < 100.0f) " />

3.4 电流采集


  1. 在上桥臂采样
  2. 在下桥臂采样
  3. 在相线上采样




此时只有一个下桥臂打开,此时只能采集到1相的电流,另外两相采集到的电流为0,因此会导致采样不准确;因此针对这种情况需要严格控制采样时间,可以在第一步位置采样,此时下桥臂完全打开,此时采集到的电流三相均为准确的电流;当然有的为了节约硬件成本,下桥臂采样也分为单电阻、双电阻、三电阻采样,关于单电阻、双电阻、三电阻采样更多可以阅读:FOC 电流采样方案对比(单电阻/双电阻/三电阻)

由于本文所采用的硬件电流采样方案为相电流采集方案,因此软件设计上会简单很多,但依旧有几个需要注意的点。在进入PWM输出定时器更新中断后,首先第一步就是触发ADC的电流采样,此电路中,在电机三相上中的两相上均电流采样电路,通过配置ADC为注入并行的同步模式,ADC0和ADC1分别同时采集U相和V相的电流,注意此处的电流采集务必配置adc工作在同步模式下,采用并行方式,控制ADC采集到的时同一时刻下的U相和V相的电流,否则采集到的电流将不精准,之后根据基尔霍夫电流定律,流入节点的电流等于流出节点的电流,可以计算出W相的电流 Iw = 0 - Iu -Iv。(后文中U V W三相对应A B C三相,Iw Iu Iv 对应 Ia Ib Ic)


3.5 Clark和Park变化

clark变化也就是将静止的 a-b-c 三相坐标系转化为静止的 α-β 两相直角坐标系。

  • Iα = Ia
  • Iβ = (Ia + 2Ib) / sqrt(3)

Park变化就是将静止的α-β 两相直角坐标系转化为运动的 d-q 坐标系。

  • Id = Iα · cosθ + Iβ · sinθ
  • Iq = Iα · sinθ + Iβ · cosθ

两者均直接带入公式即可,具体的理论推导可以阅读直流无刷电机FOC控制算法 理论到实践 —— 理论(二)

经过Clark变化和Park变化之后即可得到 Id 和 Iq 的反馈电流,且 Id 和 Iq 理论上应为常量,此时便方便进行电流环的PID运算了。

3.5.1 代码实现


void motor_run_control(void){    float cossitar = 0.0f;    float sinsitart = 0.0f;        start_adc_conversion();        /* 计算电角度 */    angle_encoder_refresh();    motor_ctrl.elec_angle = get_motor_elec_angle();    //    测试公式使用//    motor_ctrl.elec_angle ++;//    motor_ctrl.elec_angle %= 360;    if (count == 10) {        motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.speed = calcu_motor_speed(1);                speed_loop_pid_cal(&motor_ctrl);    }        /* 计算反馈电流Ia Ib Ic */    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia = 1000 * get_u_current();    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ib = 1000 * get_v_current();    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ic = 0.0f - motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia - motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ib;        /* Clack变化 注意变化时需要增加系数2/3 */    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ialfa = motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia;    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ibeta = SQRT3_INV * (2 * motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ib + motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia);        sinsitart = sintable[motor_ctrl.elec_angle];    cossitar = sintable[(motor_ctrl.elec_angle + 90) % 360];    /* Park变化 */    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Id = motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ialfa * cossitar +                                        motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ibeta * sinsitart;    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Iq = -motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ialfa * sinsitart +                                        motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ibeta * cossitar;}

3.6 电流环PID计算

经过Clark变换和Park变换之后,转换到 q-d 坐标系,此时 Iq 和 Id 理论上为常量,可以开始进行PID计算了,这里采用位置式PID进行计算,电流环PID有几个关键参数,分别是 Iq_targetId_targetout_limit

  • Iq_target 的取值不应过小也不应过大

    • 过小无法驱动电机,所以应大于电机启动电流
    • 过大在空载情况下无法到达,甚至带载也无法到达,那此值肯定不合理
  • Id_target 应取值为0

  • out_limit 的取值应与PWM配置的ARR值有关,实际应取为 ARR x (sqrt(3)) / 2 ,为什么要乘以 sqrt3 / 2 内,这是为了对电机的控制力是均匀的,也就是在将合成矢量力控制在六边形的内切圆内

3.6.1 代码实现


#include "./current_loop/current_loop.h"#include #define SQRT3           (1.73205081f)typedef struct pid_param_struct {    float kp;    float ki;    float kd;} pid_param_t;typedef struct ek_struct {    float ek;    float ek_prev;    float ek_last;    float ek_sum;    float ek_sum_limit;    float out_limit;} ek_t;static pid_param_t q_axis_pid_param = {    .kp = 0.1f,    .ki = 0.05f,    .kd = 0.0f,//    .kp = 0.20f,//    .ki = 0.03f,//    .kd = 0.0f,};static pid_param_t d_axis_pid_param = {    .kp = 0.04f,    .ki = 0.015f,    .kd = 0.0f,};static ek_t Iq_ek = {    .ek = 0.0f,    .ek_prev = 0.0f,    .ek_last = 0,    .ek_sum = 0.0f,    .ek_sum_limit = 20000.0f,    .out_limit = 1000.0f * SQRT3 / 2,};static ek_t Id_ek = {    .ek = 0.0f,    .ek_prev = 0.0f,    .ek_last = 0,    .ek_sum = 0.0f,    .ek_sum_limit = 20000.0f,    .out_limit = 1000.0f * SQRT3 / 2,};void set_current_loop_pid_p_param(float value){    d_axis_pid_param.kp = value;}void set_current_loop_pid_i_param(float value){    d_axis_pid_param.ki = value;}void set_current_loop_pid_d_param(float value){    d_axis_pid_param.kd = value;}float get_current_loop_pid_p_param(void){    return d_axis_pid_param.kp;}float get_current_loop_pid_i_param(void){    return d_axis_pid_param.ki;}float get_current_loop_pid_d_param(void){    return d_axis_pid_param.kd;}float p = 0;float i = 0;/* 位置式pid Vk = Kp * Ek + Ki * ∑Ek + Kd * (Ek - Ek-1) */void current_loop_pid_cal(motor_control_t *p_motor_ctrl){    float pid_out = 0.0f;    uint8_t integral_satur_flag = 0;    //积分饱和标志位        /*********************** Iq pid计算 ***********************/    Iq_ek.ek = p_motor_ctrl->ctrl_target.Iq_target - p_motor_ctrl->ctrl_feedback.Iq;    /* 抗饱和积分 */    Iq_ek.ek_sum += Iq_ek.ek;    if (Iq_ek.ek_sum > Iq_ek.ek_sum_limit) {        Iq_ek.ek_sum -= Iq_ek.ek;        integral_satur_flag = 1;    }    else if (Iq_ek.ek_sum < -Iq_ek.ek_sum_limit) {        Iq_ek.ek_sum -= Iq_ek.ek;        integral_satur_flag = 1;    }        /* 位置式PID计算 */    pid_out = q_axis_pid_param.kp * Iq_ek.ek +              q_axis_pid_param.ki * Iq_ek.ek_sum +              q_axis_pid_param.kd * (Iq_ek.ek - Iq_ek.ek_last);    Iq_ek.ek_last = Iq_ek.ek;    if (pid_out > Iq_ek.out_limit) {        pid_out = Iq_ek.out_limit;        if (Iq_ek.ek > 0 && integral_satur_flag != 1)            Iq_ek.ek_sum -= Iq_ek.ek;    } else if (pid_out < -Iq_ek.out_limit) {        pid_out = -Iq_ek.out_limit;        if (Iq_ek.ek < 0 && integral_satur_flag != 1)            Iq_ek.ek_sum -= Iq_ek.ek;    }        p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Vq = pid_out;        integral_satur_flag = 0;    /*********************** Id pid计算 ***********************/    Id_ek.ek = p_motor_ctrl->ctrl_target.Id_target - p_motor_ctrl->ctrl_feedback.Id;    /* 抗饱和积分 */    Id_ek.ek_sum += Id_ek.ek;    if (Id_ek.ek_sum > Id_ek.ek_sum_limit) {        Id_ek.ek_sum -= Id_ek.ek;        integral_satur_flag = 1;    }    else if (Id_ek.ek_sum < -Id_ek.ek_sum_limit) {        Id_ek.ek_sum -= Id_ek.ek;        integral_satur_flag = 1;    }        /* pid 计算 */    p = q_axis_pid_param.kp * Iq_ek.ek;    i = q_axis_pid_param.ki * Iq_ek.ek_sum;    pid_out = d_axis_pid_param.kp * Id_ek.ek +              d_axis_pid_param.ki * Id_ek.ek_sum +              d_axis_pid_param.kd * (Id_ek.ek - Id_ek.ek_last);    Id_ek.ek_last = Id_ek.ek;        if (pid_out > Id_ek.out_limit) {        pid_out = Id_ek.out_limit;        if (Id_ek.ek > 0 && integral_satur_flag != 1)            Id_ek.ek_sum -= Id_ek.ek;    } else if (pid_out < -Id_ek.out_limit) {        pid_out = -Id_ek.out_limit;        if (Id_ek.ek < 0 && integral_satur_flag != 1)            Id_ek.ek_sum -= Id_ek.ek;    }        p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Vd = pid_out;}

3.7 反Park变化及SVPWM

经过电流环PID计算之后,得到 Vq 和 Vd ,接下来便是首先进行反Park变化,之后进行SVPWM计算,也是带入公式进行计算即可,相关理论部分可以查看 直流无刷电机FOC控制算法 理论到实践 —— 理论(二)

3.7.1 代码实现

void motor_run_control(void){    float cossitar = 0.0f;    float sinsitart = 0.0f;        start_adc_conversion();        /* 计算电角度 */    angle_encoder_refresh();    motor_ctrl.elec_angle = get_motor_elec_angle();    //    测试公式使用//    motor_ctrl.elec_angle ++;//    motor_ctrl.elec_angle %= 360;    //    while (adc_wait_conversion());    /* 计算反馈电流Ia Ib Ic */    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia = 1000 * get_u_current();    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ib = 1000 * get_v_current();    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ic = 0.0f - motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia - motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ib;        /* Clack变化 注意变化时需要增加系数2/3 */    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ialfa = motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia;    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ibeta = SQRT3_INV * (2 * motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ib + motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia);        sinsitart = sintable[motor_ctrl.elec_angle];    cossitar = sintable[(motor_ctrl.elec_angle + 90) % 360];    /* Park变化 */    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Id = motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ialfa * cossitar +                                        motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ibeta * sinsitart;    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Iq = -motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ialfa * sinsitart +                                        motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ibeta * cossitar;    //    motor_ctrl.ctrl_target.Iq_target = 200.0f;    motor_ctrl.ctrl_target.Id_target = 0;                                            /* 电流环pid计算 */    current_loop_pid_cal(&motor_ctrl);//    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vq = 1000.0f * SQRT3 / 2;//    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vq = 0.0f;//    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vd = 0.0f;        /* 反Park变化 */    motor_ctrl.u_output.Valfa = -motor_ctrl.u_output.Vq * sinsitart +                                       motor_ctrl.u_output.Vd * cossitar;    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vbeta = motor_ctrl.u_output.Vq * cossitar +                                       motor_ctrl.u_output.Vd * sinsitart;    svpwm_calcu(&motor_ctrl);    pwm_output_update(&motor_ctrl);}static void svpwm_calcu(motor_control_t *p_motor_ctrl){    float u1 = 0.0f, u2 = 0.0f, u3 = 0.0f;    float tmp = 0;    uint8_t n = 0, sector = 0;        float x = 0.0f, y = 0.0f, z = 0.0f;    float t1 = 0.0f, t2 = 0.0f, ts = 0.0f;    float ta = 0.0f, tb = 0.0f, tc = 0.0f;        /* Step1: 判断扇区位置 */    u1 = p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Vbeta;    u2 = 0.5f * (-p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Vbeta + SQRT3 * p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Valfa);    u3 = 0.5f * (-p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Vbeta - SQRT3 * p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Valfa);        /* N = 4A + 2B + C (ABC不可能同时为1或0)*/    /**********************************************************************    (A,B,C)     000     001     010     011     100     101     110     111    扇区        无       4       6       5       2       3       1      无    N=4C+2B+1A   0       4       2       6       1       5       3       7    N=4A+2B+1C   0       1       2       3       4       5       6       7    **********************************************************************/    n = 0;    if (u1 > 0)        n += 4;    if (u2 > 0)        n += 2;    if (u3 > 0)        n += 1;    switch (n) {        case 0: sector = 0; break;        case 1: sector = 4; break;        case 2: sector = 6; break;        case 3: sector = 5; break;        case 4: sector = 2; break;        case 5: sector = 3; break;        case 6: sector = 1; break;        case 7: sector = 0; break;        default: break;    }        /* Step2: 计算矢量作用时间 */    x = (p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Vbeta);    y = (SQRT3 / 2 * p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Valfa - 0.5f * p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Vbeta);    z = (SQRT3 / 2 * p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Valfa + 0.5f * p_motor_ctrl->u_output.Vbeta);    switch (sector) {        case 0:            t1 = 0;            t2 = 0;            break;        case 1:            t1 = y;            t2 = x;            break;        case 2:            t1 = -y;            t2 = z;            break;        case 3:            t1 = x;            t2 = -z;            break;        case 4:            t1 = -x;            t2 = -y;            break;        case 5:            t1 = -z;            t2 = y;            break;        case 6:            t1 = z;            t2 = -x;            break;        case 7:            //TODO:            break;        default:            break;    }        ts = 1000.0f;    if ((t1 + t2) > ts) {        tmp = t1 + t2;        t1 = ts * t1 / tmp;        t2 = ts * t2 / tmp;    }        switch (sector) {        case 0:            ta = 0.5f * ts;            tb = 0.5f * ts;            tc = 0.5f * ts;            break;        case 1:            tc = 0.5f * (ts - t1 - t2);            tb = tc + t2;            ta = tb + t1;            break;        case 2:            tc = 0.5f * (ts - t1 - t2);            ta = t2 + tc;            tb = t1 + ta;            break;        case 3:            ta = 0.5f * (ts - t1 - t2);            tc = ta + t2;            tb = tc + t1;            break;        case 4:            ta = 0.5f * (ts - t1 - t2);            tb = t2 + ta;            tc = tb + t1;            break;        case 5:            tb = 0.5f * (ts - t1 - t2);            ta = tb + t2;            tc = ta + t1;            break;        case 6:            tb = 0.5f * (ts - t1 - t2);            tc = tb + t2;            ta = tc + t1;            break;        case 7:            ta = 0;            tb = 0;            tc = 0;            break;        default:            break;    }    p_motor_ctrl->u_output.channel_a = (int)ta;    p_motor_ctrl->u_output.channel_b = (int)tb;    p_motor_ctrl->u_output.channel_c = (int)tc;}static void pwm_output_update(motor_control_t *p_motor_ctrl){    set_motor_pwm_duty(0, p_motor_ctrl->u_output.channel_a);    set_motor_pwm_duty(1, p_motor_ctrl->u_output.channel_b);    set_motor_pwm_duty(2, p_motor_ctrl->u_output.channel_c);}

3.8 反Park变化及SVPWM算法验证


我们可以采用开环的方式实现反Park变换及SVPWM算法的验证,即在程序中将 Vq 和 Vd 强制赋值,之后进行反Park变化及SVPWM运算,分别查看反Park变化的输出以及SVPWM运算的输出。经过反Park变化之后,输出的 Vα 和 Vβ 是两个正弦波,经过SVPWM预算之后输出的channel_a、channel_b、channel_c为马鞍波

3.8.1 代码实现

将 3.7 章节中void motor_run_control(void)函数内下列代码取消注释

    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vq = 300.0f;    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vd = 0.0f;

之后将motor_ctrl.u_output.Valfa motor_ctrl.u_output.Vbeta motor_ctrl.u_output.channel_a motor_ctrl.u_output.channel_b motor_ctrl.u_output.channel_c分别采用上位机进行输出显示,如下图所示:

3.9 角度识别深度验证

在 3.3 章节我们已经完成了对角度的初步确认,3.3 章节方法对电角度的方向、大小等大体做一个测试,但是对于误差无法进行测试,在2.8章节的基础上,针对角度误差我们可以通过SVPWM进行确认。


3.10 电流环PID调节


  • 对于目标电流 Iq_target 的取值,我们可以首先采用开环看下电机空载时的电流运行最大值,之后将Iq_target 设置在此最大值之下
  • 关闭PWM输出使能,也即关闭半桥驱动电路,查看采集到的 Ia Ib Ic ,以及经过运算之后的 Iq Id,理论上此时没有电流,应为0,但是实际中往往此值可能不为0,此误差越大,电机低速控制性能也就越差
  • 电流环调节时,还需要结合实际电机的使用场景,简单的PID可能带载和空载效果不能同时满足,因此会要有一定的偏重,调参的时候可以加上与实际场景相近的负载或者采用多套PID参数的方式解决。

4. 速度环PID实现


void motor_run_control(void){    static uint8_t count = 0;    float cossitar = 0.0f;    float sinsitart = 0.0f;    (count < 10) ? (count ++) : (count = 0);        start_adc_conversion();        /* 计算电角度 */    angle_encoder_refresh();    motor_ctrl.elec_angle = get_motor_elec_angle();    //    测试公式使用//    motor_ctrl.elec_angle ++;//    motor_ctrl.elec_angle %= 360;    if (count == 10) {        motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.speed = calcu_motor_speed(1);                speed_loop_pid_cal(&motor_ctrl);    }    //    while (adc_wait_conversion());    /* 计算反馈电流Ia Ib Ic */    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia = 1000 * get_u_current();    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ib = 1000 * get_v_current();    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ic = 0.0f - motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia - motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ib;        /* Clack变化 注意变化时需要增加系数2/3 */    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ialfa = motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia;    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ibeta = SQRT3_INV * (2 * motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ib + motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ia);        sinsitart = sintable[motor_ctrl.elec_angle];    cossitar = sintable[(motor_ctrl.elec_angle + 90) % 360];    /* Park变化 */    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Id = motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ialfa * cossitar +                                        motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ibeta * sinsitart;    motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Iq = -motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ialfa * sinsitart +                                        motor_ctrl.ctrl_feedback.Ibeta * cossitar;    //    motor_ctrl.ctrl_target.Iq_target = 200.0f;    motor_ctrl.ctrl_target.Id_target = 0;                                            /* 电流环pid计算 */    current_loop_pid_cal(&motor_ctrl);//    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vq = 1000.0f * SQRT3 / 2;//    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vq = 300.0f;//    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vd = 0.0f;        /* 反Park变化 */    motor_ctrl.u_output.Valfa = -motor_ctrl.u_output.Vq * sinsitart +                                       motor_ctrl.u_output.Vd * cossitar;    motor_ctrl.u_output.Vbeta = motor_ctrl.u_output.Vq * cossitar +                                       motor_ctrl.u_output.Vd * sinsitart;    svpwm_calcu(&motor_ctrl);#if 0    set_motor_pwm_output(1);#endif    pwm_output_update(&motor_ctrl);}

5. 结束语

