
51.36.pg_partitioned_table (postgres.cn)

1 创建分区表,后面加上PARTITION BY XXX (XXX )
2 创建分区,建表语句后面加上 PARTITION OF XXX
3 打开分区裁剪

— 创建分区表,指定分区键为logdate

CREATE TABLE measurement (city_id int not null,logdate date not null,peaktempint,unitsales int) PARTITION BY RANGE (logdate);postgres=# CREATE TABLE measurement (postgres(# city_id int not null,postgres(# logdate date not null,postgres(# peaktempint,postgres(# unitsales intpostgres(# ) PARTITION BY RANGE (logdate);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# 

— 确保参数enable_partition_pruning 为ON

postgres=# show enable_partition_pruning ; enable_partition_pruning -------------------------- on(1 row)postgres=# 

— 创建分区

CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m01 PARTITION OF measurementFOR VALUES FROM ('2023-01-01') TO ('2023-02-01');CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m02 PARTITION OF measurementFOR VALUES FROM ('2023-02-01') TO ('2023-03-01');CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m03 PARTITION OF measurementFOR VALUES FROM ('2023-03-01') TO ('2023-04-01');CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m04 PARTITION OF measurementFOR VALUES FROM ('2023-04-01') TO ('2023-05-01');CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m05 PARTITION OF measurementFOR VALUES FROM ('2023-05-01') TO ('2023-06-01');postgres=# CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m01 PARTITION OF measurementpostgres-# FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-01-01') TO ('2023-02-01');CREATE TABLEpostgres=# CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m02 PARTITION OF measurementpostgres-# FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-02-01') TO ('2023-03-01');CREATE TABLEpostgres=# CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m03 PARTITION OF measurementpostgres-# FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-03-01') TO ('2023-04-01');CREATE TABLEpostgres=# CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m04 PARTITION OF measurementpostgres-# FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-04-01') TO ('2023-05-01');CREATE TABLEpostgres=# CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m05 PARTITION OF measurementpostgres-# FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-05-01') TO ('2023-06-01');CREATE TABLEpostgres=# 

— 插入数据验证

insert into measurement values (1,date '2023-01-01',1,1);insert into measurement values (2,date '2023-02-01',1,1);insert into measurement values (3,date '2023-03-01',1,1);insert into measurement values (4,date '2023-04-01',1,1);insert into measurement values (5,date '2023-05-01',1,1);postgres=# insert into measurement values (1,date '2023-01-01',1,1);INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into measurement values (2,date '2023-02-01',1,1);INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into measurement values (3,date '2023-03-01',1,1);INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into measurement values (4,date '2023-04-01',1,1);INSERT 0 1postgres=# insert into measurement values (5,date '2023-05-01',1,1);INSERT 0 1postgres=# 

— 验证数据

select * from measurement;select * from measurement_y2023m01;select * from measurement_y2023m02;select * from measurement_y2023m03;select * from measurement_y2023m04;select * from measurement_y2023m05;postgres=# select * from measurement; city_id |logdate | peaktemp | unitsales ---------+------------+----------+----------- 1 | 2023-01-01 |1 | 1 2 | 2023-02-01 |1 | 1 3 | 2023-03-01 |1 | 1 4 | 2023-04-01 |1 | 1 5 | 2023-05-01 |1 | 1(5 rows)postgres=# select * from measurement_y2023m01; city_id |logdate | peaktemp | unitsales ---------+------------+----------+----------- 1 | 2023-01-01 |1 | 1(1 row)postgres=# select * from measurement_y2023m02; city_id |logdate | peaktemp | unitsales ---------+------------+----------+----------- 2 | 2023-02-01 |1 | 1(1 row)postgres=# select * from measurement_y2023m03; city_id |logdate | peaktemp | unitsales ---------+------------+----------+----------- 3 | 2023-03-01 |1 | 1(1 row)postgres=# select * from measurement_y2023m04; city_id |logdate | peaktemp | unitsales ---------+------------+----------+----------- 4 | 2023-04-01 |1 | 1(1 row)postgres=# select * from measurement_y2023m05; city_id |logdate | peaktemp | unitsales ---------+------------+----------+----------- 5 | 2023-05-01 |1 | 1(1 row)postgres=# 

— 插入6月份的数据 ,会提示没有分区。

insert into measurement values (6,date '2023-06-01',1,1);postgres=# insert into measurement values (6,date '2023-06-01',1,1);ERROR:no partition of relation "measurement" found for rowDETAIL:Partition key of the failing row contains (logdate) = (2023-06-01).postgres=# 

— 新增加一个6月份的分区,使数据能插入到分区

CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m06 PARTITION OF measurementFOR VALUES FROM ('2023-06-01') TO ('2023-07-01');postgres=# CREATE TABLE measurement_y2023m06 PARTITION OF measurementpostgres-# FOR VALUES FROM ('2023-06-01') TO ('2023-07-01');CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into measurement values (6,date '2023-06-01',1,1);INSERT 0 1postgres=# postgres=# select * from measurement; city_id |logdate | peaktemp | unitsales ---------+------------+----------+----------- 1 | 2023-01-01 |1 | 1 2 | 2023-02-01 |1 | 1 3 | 2023-03-01 |1 | 1 4 | 2023-04-01 |1 | 1 5 | 2023-05-01 |1 | 1 6 | 2023-06-01 |1 | 1(6 rows)postgres=# select * from measurement_y2023m06; city_id |logdate | peaktemp | unitsales ---------+------------+----------+----------- 6 | 2023-06-01 |1 | 1(1 row)postgres=# 
postgres=# select * from pg_partitioned_table ; partrelid | partstrat | partnatts | partdefid | partattrs | partclass | partcollation | partexprs -----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+-----------+---------------+----------- 24632 | r | 1 | 0 | 2 | 3122| 0 | (1 row)postgres=# 

— 关于该视图,查看官方文档:



partstratchar分区策略;h= 哈希分区表,l= 列表分区表,r= 范围分区表
partattrsint2vectorpg_attribute.attnum这是一个长度为partnatts值的数组,它指示哪些表列是分区键的组成部分。例如,值1 3表示第一个和第三个表列组成了分区键。这个数组中的零表示对应的分区键列是一个表达式而不是简单的列引用。

— 通过dt+ 命令,查看建立的分区表和分区

postgres=# \dt+ measurement* List of relations Schema | Name | Type|Owner | Persistence | Access method |Size| Description --------+----------------------+-------------------+----------+-------------+---------------+------------+------------- public | measurement| partitioned table | postgres | permanent | | 0 bytes|public | measurement_y2023m01 | table | postgres | permanent | heap| 8192 bytes |public | measurement_y2023m02 | table | postgres | permanent | heap| 8192 bytes |public | measurement_y2023m03 | table | postgres | permanent | heap| 8192 bytes |public | measurement_y2023m04 | table | postgres | permanent | heap| 8192 bytes |public | measurement_y2023m05 | table | postgres | permanent | heap| 8192 bytes |public | measurement_y2023m06 | table | postgres | permanent | heap| 8192 bytes | (7 rows)postgres=#