



PostgreSQL 使用规范命名规范



【强制】query中的别名不要使用 “小写字母,下划线,数字” 以外的字符,例如中文。

【推荐】主键索引应以 pk_ 开头, 唯一索引要以 uk_ 开头,普通索引要以 idx_ 打头。

【推荐】临时表以 tmp_ 开头,子表以规则结尾,例如按年分区的主表如果为tbl, 则子表为tbl_2016,tbl_2017,。。。

【推荐】库名最好以部门名字开头 + 功能,如 xxx_yyy,xxx_zzz,便于辨识, 。。。


【推荐】不建议使用public schema(不同业务共享的对象可以使用public schema),应该为每个应用分配对应的schema,schema_name最好与user name一致。

【推荐】comment不要使用中文,因为编码可能不一样,如果存进去和读取时的编码不一致,导致可读性不强。 pg_dump时也必须与comment时的编码一致,否则可能乱码。




【强制】使用外键时,如果你使用的PG版本没有自动建立fk的索引,则必须要对foreign key手工建立索引,否则可能影响references列的更新或删除性能。

postgres=# create table tbl(id int primary key,info text);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# create table tbl1(id int references tbl(id), info text);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# \d tbl        Table "public.tbl"   Column |  Type   | Modifiers   --------+---------+-----------   id     | integer | not null   info   | text    |   Indexes:      "tbl_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)  Referenced by:      TABLE "tbl1" CONSTRAINT "tbl1_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES tbl(id)    postgres=# \d tbl1       Table "public.tbl1"   Column |  Type   | Modifiers   --------+---------+-----------   id     | integer |    info   | text    |   Foreign-key constraints:      "tbl1_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES tbl(id)    postgres=# \di                List of relations   Schema |   Name   | Type  |  Owner   | Table   --------+----------+-------+----------+-------   public | tbl_pkey | index | postgres | tbl  (1 row)    postgres=# create index idx_tbl1_id on tbl1(id);  CREATE INDEX  

【强制】使用外键时,一定要设置fk的action,例如cascade,set null,set default。

postgres=# create table tbl2(id int references tbl(id) on delete cascade on update cascade, info text);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# create index idx_tbl2_id on tbl2(id);  CREATE INDEX  postgres=# insert into tbl values (1,'test');  INSERT 0 1  postgres=# insert into tbl2 values (1,'test');  INSERT 0 1  postgres=# update tbl set id=2;  UPDATE 1  postgres=# select * from tbl2;   id | info   ----+------    2 | test  (1 row)  


postgres=# create table test123(id int, info text) with(fillfactor=85);  CREATE TABLE  


《PostgreSQL 数据库NULL值的默认排序行为与查询、索引定义规范 – nulls first\last, asc\desc》

(1).比如A表user_id字段数据类型定义为varchar,但是SQL语句查询为 where user_id=1234;


postgres=# create sequence seq_tab1 increment by 10000 start with 1;CREATE SEQUENCEpostgres=# create sequence seq_tab2 increment by 10000 start with 2;CREATE SEQUENCEpostgres=# create sequence seq_tab3 increment by 10000 start with 3;CREATE SEQUENCEpostgres=# create table tab1 (id int primary key default nextval('seq_tab1') check(mod(id,10000)=1), info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table tab2 (id int primary key default nextval('seq_tab2') check(mod(id,10000)=2), info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table tab3 (id int primary key default nextval('seq_tab3') check(mod(id,10000)=3), info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into tab1 (info) select generate_series(1,10);INSERT 0 10postgres=# insert into tab2 (info) select generate_series(1,10);INSERT 0 10postgres=# insert into tab3 (info) select generate_series(1,10);INSERT 0 10postgres=# select * from tab1;  id   | info -------+------     1 | 1 10001 | 2 20001 | 3 30001 | 4 40001 | 5 50001 | 6 60001 | 7 70001 | 8 80001 | 9 90001 | 10(10 rows)postgres=# select * from tab2;  id   | info -------+------     2 | 1 10002 | 2 20002 | 3 30002 | 4 40002 | 5 50002 | 6 60002 | 7 70002 | 8 80002 | 9 90002 | 10(10 rows)postgres=# select * from tab3;  id   | info -------+------     3 | 1 10003 | 2 20003 | 3 30003 | 4 40003 | 5 50003 | 6 60003 | 7 70003 | 8 80003 | 9 90003 | 10(10 rows)

postgres=# create sequence seq_tb1 increment by 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 100000000 start with 1 no cycle ;CREATE SEQUENCEpostgres=# create sequence seq_tb2 increment by 1 minvalue 100000001 maxvalue 200000000 start with 100000001 no cycle ;CREATE SEQUENCEpostgres=# create sequence seq_tb3 increment by 1 minvalue 200000001 maxvalue 300000000 start with 200000001 no cycle ;CREATE SEQUENCEpostgres=# create table tb1(id int primary key default nextval('seq_tb1') check(id >=1 and id<=100000000), info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table tb2(id int primary key default nextval('seq_tb2') check(id >=100000001 and id<=200000000), info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table tb3(id int primary key default nextval('seq_tb3') check(id >=200000001 and id<=300000000), info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# insert into tb1 (info) select * from generate_series(1,10);INSERT 0 10postgres=# insert into tb2 (info) select * from generate_series(1,10);INSERT 0 10postgres=# insert into tb3 (info) select * from generate_series(1,10);INSERT 0 10postgres=# select * from tb1; id | info ----+------  1 | 1  2 | 2  3 | 3  4 | 4  5 | 5  6 | 6  7 | 7  8 | 8  9 | 9 10 | 10(10 rows)postgres=# select * from tb2;    id     | info -----------+------ 100000001 | 1 100000002 | 2 100000003 | 3 100000004 | 4 100000005 | 5 100000006 | 6 100000007 | 7 100000008 | 8 100000009 | 9 100000010 | 10(10 rows)postgres=# select * from tb3;    id     | info -----------+------ 200000001 | 1 200000002 | 2 200000003 | 3 200000004 | 4 200000005 | 5 200000006 | 6 200000007 | 7 200000008 | 8 200000009 | 9 200000010 | 10(10 rows)



postgres=# select length('阿里巴巴');   length   --------        4  (1 row)  


postgres=# select octet_length('阿里巴巴');   octet_length   --------------             12  (1 row)  


   Schema   |          Name          | Result data type | Argument data types |  Type    ------------+------------------------+------------------+---------------------+--------   pg_catalog | array_length           | integer          | anyarray, integer   | normal   pg_catalog | bit_length             | integer          | bit                 | normal   pg_catalog | bit_length             | integer          | bytea               | normal   pg_catalog | bit_length             | integer          | text                | normal   pg_catalog | char_length            | integer          | character           | normal   pg_catalog | char_length            | integer          | text                | normal   pg_catalog | character_length       | integer          | character           | normal   pg_catalog | character_length       | integer          | text                | normal   pg_catalog | json_array_length      | integer          | json                | normal   pg_catalog | jsonb_array_length     | integer          | jsonb               | normal   pg_catalog | length                 | integer          | bit                 | normal   pg_catalog | length                 | integer          | bytea               | normal   pg_catalog | length                 | integer          | bytea, name         | normal   pg_catalog | length                 | integer          | character           | normal   pg_catalog | length                 | double precision | lseg                | normal   pg_catalog | length                 | double precision | path                | normal   pg_catalog | length                 | integer          | text                | normal   pg_catalog | length                 | integer          | tsvector            | normal   pg_catalog | lseg_length            | double precision | lseg                | normal   pg_catalog | octet_length           | integer          | bit                 | normal   pg_catalog | octet_length           | integer          | bytea               | normal   pg_catalog | octet_length           | integer          | character           | normal   pg_catalog | octet_length           | integer          | text                | normal  


create index idx on tbl using brin(id);  

【推荐】设计时应尽可能选择合适的数据类型,能用数字的坚决不用字符串,能用树类型的,坚决不用字符串。 使用好的数据类型,可以使用数据库的索引,操作符,函数,提高数据的查询效率。
ltree 树结构类型
cube 多维类型
earth 地球类型
hstore KV类型
pg_trgm 相似类型

rum (扩展接口)
bloom (扩展接口)




table1, table2, …table100;

select xxx from table1 where id>=上一次统计的截至ID group by yyy;  

使用范围类型存储IP地址段,使用包含的GIST索引检索,性能比两个字段的between and提升20多倍。

CREATE TABLE ip_address_pool_3 (    id serial8 primary key ,    start_ip inet NOT NULL ,    end_ip inet NOT NULL ,    province varchar(128) NOT NULL ,    city varchar(128) NOT NULL ,    region_name varchar(128) NOT NULL ,    company_name varchar(128) NOT NULL ,    ip_decimal_segment int8range  ) ;    CREATE INDEX ip_address_pool_3_range ON ip_address_pool_3 USING gist (ip_decimal_segment);    select province,ip_decimal_segment  from ip_address_pool_3 where ip_decimal_segment @> :ip::int8;  



select * from tbl where id=1 and col=?; -- 其中id=1为固定的条件  create index idx on tbl (col) where id=1;  


select * from tbl where exp(xxx);  create index idx on tbl ( exp );  

【推荐】如果需要调试较为复杂的逻辑时,不建议写成函数进行调试,可以使用plpgsql的online code.

do language plpgsql  $$  declare  begin    -- logical code  end;  $$;  


【推荐】当用户有规则表达式查询,或者文本近似度查询的需求时,建议对字段使用trgm的gin索引,提升近似度匹配或规则表达式匹配的查询效率,同时覆盖了前后模糊的查询需求。如果没有创建trgm gin索引,则不推荐使用前后模糊查询例如like %xxxx%。

【推荐】gin索引可以支持多值类型、数组、全文检索等的倒排高效查询。但是对于PostgreSQL 9.4以及以下版本,建议设置表的fillfactor=70,可以解决高并发写入时的锁问题。

《PostgreSQL 10 GIN索引 锁优化》

《PostgreSQL 9种索引的原理和应用场景》

【推荐】当用户有prefix或者 suffix的模糊查询需求时,可以使用索引,或反转索引达到提速的需求。

select * from tbl where col ~ '^abc';  -- 前缀查询select * from tbl where reverse(col) ~ '^def';  -- 后缀查询使用反转函数索引



《HTAP数据库 PostgreSQL 场景与性能测试之 45 – (OLTP) 数据量与性能的线性关系(10亿+无衰减), 暨单表多大需要分区》

【推荐】对于频繁访问的分区表,建议分区数目不要太多(至少在PostgreSQL 10前,还有此问题),分区数目过多,可能导致优化器的开销巨大,影响普通SQL,prepared statement 的BIND过程等。

《PostgreSQL 查询涉及分区表过多导致的性能问题 – 性能诊断与优化(大量BIND, spin lock, SLEEP进程)》

【推荐】用户在设计表结构时,建议规划好,避免经常需要添加字段,或者修改字段类型或长度。 某些操作可能触发表的重写,例如加字段并设置默认值,修改字段的类型。



【强制】count(多列列名)时,多列列名必须使用括号,例如count( (col1,col2,col3) )。注意多列的count,即使所有列都为NULL,该行也被计数,所以效果与count(*)一致。

postgres=# create table t123(c1 int,c2 int,c3 int);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# insert into t123 values (null,null,null),(null,null,null),(1,null,null),(2,null,null),(null,1,null),(null,2,null);  INSERT 0 6  postgres=# select count((c1,c2)) from t123;   count   -------       6  (1 row)  postgres=# select count((c1)) from t123;   count   -------       2  (1 row)  

【强制】count(distinct col) 计算该列的非NULL不重复数量,NULL不被计数。

postgres=# select count(distinct (c1)) from t123;   count   -------       2  (1 row)  

【强制】count(distinct (col1,col2,…) ) 计算多列的唯一值时,NULL会被计数,同时NULL与NULL会被认为是想同的。

postgres=# select count(distinct (c1,c2)) from t123;   count   -------       5  (1 row)  postgres=# select count(distinct (c1,c2,c3)) from t123;   count   -------       5  (1 row)  

【强制】count(col)对 “是NULL的col列” 返回为0,而sum(col)则为NULL。

postgres=# select count(c1),sum(c1) from t123 where c1 is null;   count | sum   -------+-----       0 |      (1 row)  


SELECT coalesce( SUM(g)), 0, SUM(g) ) FROM table;  

【强制】NULL是UNKNOWN的意思,也就是不知道是什么。 因此NULL与任意值的逻辑判断都返回NULL。
NULLNULL 的返回结果是NULL,不是false。


【强制】任何地方都不要使用 select*from t ,用具体的字段列表代替*,不要返回用不到的任何字段。另外表结构发生变化也容易出现问题。



【强制】DDL操作(以及类似的可能获取大锁的操作,譬如vacuum full, create index等)必须设置锁等待,可以防止堵塞所有其他与该DDL锁对象相关的QUERY。

begin;  set local lock_timeout = '10s';  -- DDL query;  end;  

【强制】用户可以使用explain analyze查看实际的执行计划,但是如果需要查看的执行计划设计数据的变更,必须在事务中执行explain analyze,然后回滚。

begin;  explain analyze query;  rollback;  


create index CONCURRENTLY idx on tbl(id);  





【推荐】多个业务共用一个PG集群时,建议为每个业务创建一个数据库。 如果业务之间有数据交集,或者事务相关的处理,强烈建议在程序层处理数据的交互。


【推荐】在发生主备切换后,新的主库在开放给应用程序使用前,建议使用pg_prewarm预热之前的主库shared buffer里的热数据。

【推荐】快速的装载数据的方法,关闭autovacuum, 删除索引,数据导入后,对表进行analyze同时创建索引。


begin;  set local maintenance_work_mem='2GB';  create index idx on tbl(id);  end;  

【推荐】如何防止长连接,占用过多的relcache, syscache。

阿里云的RDS PGSQL版本提供了主动释放syscache和 relcache的接口,不需要断开连接。

【推荐】大批量数据入库的优化,如果有大批量的数据入库,建议使用copy语法,或者 insert into table values (),(),…(); 的方式。 提高写入速度。

【推荐】大批量数据入库、大批量数据更新、大批量数据删除后,如果没有开启autovacuum进程,或者表级层面关闭了autovacuum,那么建议人为执行一下vacuum verbose analyze table;

【推荐】大批量删除和更新数据时,不建议一个事务中完成,建议分批次操作,以免一次产生较多垃圾。当然如果一定要大批量操作的话,在操作完后,建议使用pg_repack重组表。 建议操作前检查膨胀率。





【强制】不要使用delete 全表,性能很差,请使用truncate代替,(truncate是DDL语句,注意加锁等待超时)。


【强制】高并发的应用场合,务必使用绑定变量(prepared statement),防止数据库硬解析消耗过多的CPU资源。

【强制】不要使用hash index,目前hash index不写REDO,在备库只有结构,没有数据,并且数据库crash后无法恢复。
同时不建议使用unlogged table ,道理同上,但是如果你的数据不需要持久化,则可以考虑使用unlogged table来提升数据的写入和修改性能。
注意: pg 10开始hash index也支持写redo log了, 所以pg 10以后, 随便使用hash index。不受此条限制。

【强制】秒杀场景,一定要使用 advisory_lock先对记录的唯一ID进行锁定,拿到AD锁再去对数据进行更新操作。 拿不到锁时,可以尝试重试拿锁。

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.f(i_id integer)     RETURNS void     LANGUAGE plpgsql    AS $function$   declare     a_lock boolean := false;  begin     select pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(i_id) into a_lock;    拿到锁,更新    if a_lock then      update t1 set count=count-1 where id=i_id;     end if;    exception when others then        return;   end;   $function$;      select f(id) from tbl where id=? and count>0;  


【强制】在函数中,或程序中,不要使用count(*)判断是否有数据,很慢。 建议的方法是limit 1;

select 1 from tbl where xxx limit 1;  if found -- 存在  else  -- 不存在  


建议有重连机制,建议在使用长时间未被使用的连接前使用select 1;探测一下是否连接正常,如果不正常,则重连。建议使用select 1;作为连接的定期心跳。


create index idx on tbl using gist(col);  select * from tbl order by col  '(0,100)';  


【强制】必须选择合适的事务隔离级别,不要使用越级的隔离级别,例如READ COMMITTED可以满足时,就不要使用repeatable read和serializable隔离级别。


【推荐】在使用空间查询时,点面包含、相交等查询,为了提升效率,尽量使用有效面积大的多边形,如果做不到,可以先对多边形进行split,同时使用union all合并结果。

《PostgreSQL 空间切割(st_split)功能扩展 – 空间对象网格化 (多边形GiST优化)》

《PostgreSQL 空间st_contains,st_within空间包含搜索优化 – 降IO和降CPU(bound box) (多边形GiST优化)》

《PostgreSQL 黑科技 – 空间聚集存储, 内窥GIN, GiST, SP-GiST索引》

《PostgreSQL multipolygon 空间索引查询过滤精简优化 – IO,CPU放大优化》


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION countit(text)                    RETURNS float4           LANGUAGE plpgsql AS          $$DECLARE                   v_plan json;                BEGIN                          EXECUTE 'EXPLAIN (FORMAT JSON) '||$1                                        INTO v_plan;                                                                           RETURN v_plan #>> '{0,Plan,"Plan Rows"}';  END;  $$;  postgres=# create table t1234(id int, info text);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# insert into t1234 select generate_series(1,1000000),'test';  INSERT 0 1000000  postgres=# analyze t1234;  ANALYZE  postgres=# select countit('select * from t1234 where id<1000');   countit   ---------       954  (1 row)  postgres=# select countit('select * from t1234 where id between 1 and 1000 or (id between 100000 and 101000)');   countit   ---------      1931  (1 row)  


postgres=# declare cur1 cursor for select * from sbtest1 where id between 100 and 1000000 order by id;  DECLARE CURSOR  Time: 0.422 ms  


postgres=# fetch 100 from cur1;  。。。  


declare cur1 SCROLL cursor for select * from sbtest1 where id between 100 and 1000000 order by id;  


begin;  set local statement_timeout = '10s';  -- query;  end;  

【推荐】TRUNCATE TABLE 在功能上与不带 WHERE 子句的 DELETE 语句相同:二者均删除表中的全部行。但 TRUNCATE TABLE 比 DELETE 速度快,且使用的系统和事务日志资源少,但是TRUNCATE是DDL,锁粒度很大,故不建议在开发代码中使用DDL语句,除非加了lock_timeout锁超时的会话参数或事务参数。


【推荐】如果用户需要在插入数据和,删除数据前,或者修改数据后马上拿到插入或被删除或修改后的数据,建议使用insert into .. returning ..; delete .. returning ..或update .. returning ..; 语法。减少数据库交互次数。

postgres=# create table tbl4(id serial, info text);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# insert into tbl4 (info) values ('test') returning *;   id | info   ----+------    1 | test  (1 row)    INSERT 0 1    postgres=# update tbl4 set info='abc' returning *;   id | info   ----+------    1 | abc  (1 row)    UPDATE 1    postgres=# delete from tbl4 returning *;   id | info   ----+------    1 | abc  (1 row)    DELETE 1  

【推荐】自增字段建议使用序列,序列分为2字节,4字节,8字节几种(serial2,serial4,serial8)。按实际情况选择。 禁止使用触发器产生序列值。

postgres=# create table tbl4(id serial, info text);  CREATE TABLE  


select * from t where phonenum='digoal' or info ~ 'digoal' or c1='digoal' or ......;  


postgres=# create or replace function f1(text) returns tsvector as $$            select to_tsvector($1);     $$ language sql immutable strict;  CREATE FUNCTION    postgres=# alter function record_out(record) immutable;  ALTER FUNCTION  postgres=# alter function textin(cstring) immutable;  ALTER FUNCTION  postgres=# create index idx_t_1 on t using gin (f1('jiebacfg'::regconfig,t::text)) ;  CREATE INDEX    postgres=# select * from t where f1('jiebacfg'::regconfig,t::text) @@ to_tsquery('digoal & post') ;   phonenum | info | c1 | c2 | c3 | c4   ----------+------+----+----+----+----  (0 rows)  postgres=# select * from t where f1('jiebacfg'::regconfig,t::text) @@ to_tsquery('digoal & china') ;    phonenum   |            info             | c1  |  c2   |              c3              |             c4               -------------+-----------------------------+-----+-------+------------------------------+----------------------------   13888888888 | i am digoal, a postgresqler | 123 | china | 中华人民共和国,阿里巴巴,阿 | 2016-04-19 11:15:55.208658  (1 row)    postgres=# select * from t where f1('jiebacfg'::regconfig,t::text) @@ to_tsquery('digoal & 阿里巴巴') ;    phonenum   |            info             | c1  |  c2   |              c3              |             c4               -------------+-----------------------------+-----+-------+------------------------------+----------------------------   13888888888 | i am digoal, a postgresqler | 123 | china | 中华人民共和国,阿里巴巴,阿 | 2016-04-19 11:15:55.208658  (1 row)    postgres=# explain select * from t where f1('jiebacfg'::regconfig,t::text) @@ to_tsquery('digoal & 阿里巴巴') ;                                                QUERY PLAN                                                ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Seq Scan on t  (cost=0.00..1.52 rows=1 width=140)     Filter: (to_tsvector('jiebacfg'::regconfig, (t.*)::text) @@ to_tsquery('digoal & 阿里巴巴'::text))  (2 rows)  

【推荐】中文分词的token mapping一定要设置,否则对应的token没有词典进行处理。

ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION testzhcfg ADD MAPPING FOR a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z WITH simple;


zhparser.punctuation_ignore = fzhparser.seg_with_duality = fzhparser.dict_in_memory = fzhparser.multi_short = fzhparser.multi_duality = fzhparser.multi_zmain = fzhparser.multi_zall = f



CREATE TABLE TBL_TEST  (  ID    numeric,  NAME text,  PID   numeric                                  DEFAULT 0  );  INSERT INTO TBL_TEST(ID,NAME,PID) VALUES('1','10','0');  INSERT INTO TBL_TEST(ID,NAME,PID) VALUES('2','11','1');  INSERT INTO TBL_TEST(ID,NAME,PID) VALUES('3','20','0');  INSERT INTO TBL_TEST(ID,NAME,PID) VALUES('4','12','1');  INSERT INTO TBL_TEST(ID,NAME,PID) VALUES('5','121','2');  


with recursive t_result as (    select * from tbl_test where id=1      union all    select t2.* from t_result t1 join tbl_test t2 on t1.id=t2.pid  )  select * from t_result;     id | name | pid   ----+------+-----    1 | 10   |   0    2 | 11   |   1    4 | 12   |   1    5 | 121  |   2  (4 rows)  


with recursive t_result as (    select * from tbl_test where id=5      union all    select t2.* from t_result t1 join tbl_test t2 on t1.pid=t2.id  )  select * from t_result;     id | name | pid   ----+------+-----    5 | 121  |   2    2 | 11   |   1    1 | 10   |   0  (3 rows)  

1. 一定要能跳出循环,即循环子句查不到结果为止。
2. 树形结构如果有多个值,则会出现查到的结果比实际的多的情况,这个业务上是需要保证不出现重复的。




postgres=# create table tab5(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int, crt_time timestamp);  CREATE TABLE  


postgres=# insert into tab5 select   trunc(100*random()),   trunc(1000*random()),   trunc(10000*random()),   trunc(100000*random()),   clock_timestamp() + (trunc(10000*random())||' hour')::interval   from generate_series(1,1000000);  INSERT 0 1000000    postgres=# select * from tab5 limit 10;   c1 | c2  |  c3  |  c4   |          crt_time            ----+-----+------+-------+----------------------------   72 |  46 | 3479 | 20075 | 2017-02-02 14:56:36.854218   98 | 979 | 4491 | 83012 | 2017-06-13 08:56:36.854416   54 | 758 | 5838 | 45956 | 2016-09-18 02:56:36.854427    3 |  67 | 5148 | 74754 | 2017-01-01 01:56:36.854431   42 | 650 | 7681 | 36495 | 2017-06-20 15:56:36.854435    4 | 472 | 6454 | 19554 | 2016-06-18 19:56:36.854438   82 | 922 |  902 | 17435 | 2016-07-21 14:56:36.854441   68 | 156 | 1028 | 13275 | 2017-07-16 10:56:36.854444    0 | 674 | 7446 | 59386 | 2016-07-26 09:56:36.854447    0 | 629 | 2022 | 52285 | 2016-11-04 13:56:36.85445  (10 rows)  

创建一个统计结果表, 其中bitmap表示统计的字段组合, 用位置符0,1表示是否统计了该维度

create table stat_tab5 (c1 int, c2 int, c3 int, c4 int, time1 text, time2 text, time3 text, time4 text, cnt int8, bitmap text);  

PS (如果业务字段有空的情况,建议统计时用coalesce转一下,确保不会统计到空的情况)

insert into stat_tab5  select c1,c2,c3,c4,t1,t2,t3,t4,cnt,   '' ||   case when c1 is null then 0 else 1 end ||   case when c2 is null then 0 else 1 end ||   case when c3 is null then 0 else 1 end ||   case when c4 is null then 0 else 1 end ||   case when t1 is null then 0 else 1 end ||   case when t2 is null then 0 else 1 end ||   case when t3 is null then 0 else 1 end ||   case when t4 is null then 0 else 1 end  from   (  select c1,c2,c3,c4,  to_char(crt_time, 'yyyy') t1,   to_char(crt_time, 'yyyy-mm') t2,   to_char(crt_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd') t3,   to_char(crt_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24') t4,   count(*) cnt  from tab5   group by   cube(c1,c2,c3,c4),   grouping sets(to_char(crt_time, 'yyyy'), to_char(crt_time, 'yyyy-mm'), to_char(crt_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), to_char(crt_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24'))  )  t;    INSERT 0 49570486  Time: 172373.714 ms  


create index idx_stat_tab5_bitmap on stat_tab5 (bitmap);  


c1,c3,c4,t3 = bitmap(10110010)    postgres=# select c1,c3,c4,time3,cnt from stat_tab5 where bitmap='10110010' limit 10;   c1 | c3 |  c4   |   time3    | cnt   ----+----+-------+------------+-----   41 |  0 | 30748 | 2016-06-04 |   1   69 |  0 | 87786 | 2016-06-04 |   1   70 |  0 | 38805 | 2016-06-04 |   1   79 |  0 | 65892 | 2016-06-08 |   1   51 |  0 | 13615 | 2016-06-11 |   1   47 |  0 | 42196 | 2016-06-28 |   1   45 |  0 | 54736 | 2016-07-01 |   1   50 |  0 | 21605 | 2016-07-02 |   1   46 |  0 | 40888 | 2016-07-16 |   1   41 |  0 | 90258 | 2016-07-17 |   1  (10 rows)  Time: 0.528 ms    postgres=# select * from stat_tab5 where bitmap='00001000' limit 10;   c1 | c2 | c3 | c4 | time1 | time2 | time3 | time4 |  cnt   |  bitmap    ----+----+----+----+-------+-------+-------+-------+--------+----------      |    |    |    | 2016  |       |       |       | 514580 | 00001000      |    |    |    | 2017  |       |       |       | 485420 | 00001000  (2 rows)  Time: 0.542 ms  

【推荐】对于有UV查询需求的场景(例如count(distinct xx) where time between xx and xx),如果要求非常快的响应速度,但是对精确度要求不高时,建议可以使用PostgreSQL的估值数据类型HLL。

create table access_date (acc_date date unique, userids hll);  insert into access_date select current_date, hll_add_agg(hll_hash_integer(user_id)) from generate_series(1,10000) t(user_id);    select *, total_users-coalesce(lag(total_users,1) over (order by rn),0) AS new_users  FROM  (    SELECT acc_date, row_number() over date as rn,#hll_union_agg(userids) OVER date as total_users       FROM access_date    WINDOW date AS (ORDER BY acc_date ASC ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)  ) t;  

【推荐】PostgreSQL 的insert on conflict语法如下

INSERT INTO table_name [ AS alias ] [ ( column_name [, ...] ) ]      { DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES ( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) [, ...] | query }      [ ON CONFLICT [ conflict_target ] conflict_action ]    where conflict_target can be one of:        ( { index_column_name | ( index_expression ) } [ COLLATE collation ] [ opclass ] [, ...] ) [ WHERE index_predicate ]      ON CONSTRAINT constraint_name    and conflict_action is one of:        DO NOTHING      DO UPDATE SET { column_name = { expression | DEFAULT } |                      ( column_name [, ...] ) = ( { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] ) |                      ( column_name [, ...] ) = ( sub-SELECT )                    } [, ...]                [ WHERE condition ]  


postgres=# insert into tbl values (1,'info') on conflict on constraint tbl_pkey do update set info=excluded.info;  INSERT 0 1  


CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW mv_tbl as select xx,xx,xx from tbl where xxx with data;  





id | company | product ----+---------+---------1 | c1      | p11 | c1      | p21 | b1      | p21 | c2      | p21 | c1      | p12 | c3      | p3


select distinct product from (select min(company) over(partition by product) m1,max(company) over(partition by product) m2, product from tbl) t where m2m1; 





delete from tbl where ctid not in (select min(ctid) from tbl group by tbl::text);  


delete from tbl where pk in (select pk from (select pk,row_number() over(partition by col order by pk) rn from tbl) t where t.rn>1);  


delete from tbl where ctid not in (select min(ctid) from tbl group by col);  

【推荐】快速读取随机记录的方法 利用索引列进行优化的方法。
方法 1. 随机取出n条记录,以下取出5条随机记录

digoal=> select * from tbl_userdigoal->  where id indigoal->         (select floor(random() * (max_id - min_id))::intdigoal(>                 + min_iddigoal(>            from generate_series(1,5),digoal(>                 (select max(id) as max_id,digoal(>                         min(id) as min_iddigoal(>                    from tbl_user) s1digoal(>         )digoal-> limit 5;   id   | firstname | lastname |   corp   | age --------+-----------+----------+----------+----- 965638 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 193491 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 294286 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 726263 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 470713 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27(5 rows)Time: 0.670 ms

方法 2. 取出N条连续的随机记录.(此处用到函数)

digoal=> create or replace function f_get_random (i_range int) returns setof record as $BODY$digoal$> declaredigoal$> v_result record;digoal$> v_max_id int;digoal$> v_min_id int;digoal$> v_random numeric;digoal$> begindigoal$> select random() into v_random;digoal$> select max(id),min(id) into v_max_id,v_min_id from tbl_user;digoal$> for v_result in select * from tbl_user where id between (v_min_id+(v_random*(v_max_id-v_min_id))::int) and (v_min_id+(v_random*(v_max_id-v_min_id))::int+i_range)digoal$> loopdigoal$> return next v_result;digoal$> end loop;digoal$> return;digoal$> enddigoal$> $BODY$ language plpgsql;CREATE FUNCTION


digoal=> select * from f_get_random(9) as (id bigint,firstname varchar(32),lastname varchar(32),corp varchar(32),age smallint);   id   | firstname | lastname |   corp   | age --------+-----------+----------+----------+----- 694686 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 694687 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 694688 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 694689 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 694690 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 694691 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 694692 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 694693 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 694694 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27 694695 | zhou      | digoal   | sky-mobi |  27(10 rows)Time: 0.418 ms


【推荐】OLTP系统,在高峰期或高并发期间 拒绝 长SQL,大事务,大批量。
(1). 长SQL占用大量的数据库时间和资源,占用连接,可能影响正常业务运行。
(2). 大事务,或长事务,可能导致长时间持锁,与其他事务产生锁冲突。
(3). 大批量,大批量在并发事务中增加锁等待的几率。


【推荐】如何判断两个值是不是不一样(并且将NULL视为一样的值),使用col1 IS DISTINCT FROM col2

postgres=# select null is distinct from null; ?column? ---------- f(1 row)postgres=# select null is distinct from 1; ?column? ---------- t(1 row)


【推荐】如果在UDF或online code逻辑中有数据的处理需求时,建议使用游标进行处理。

do language plpgsql $$declare  cur refcursor;  rec record;begin  open cur for select * from tbl where id>1;   loop    fetch cur into rec;     if found then        raise notice '%', rec;       update tbl set info='ab' where current of cur;      -- other query    else       close cur;      exit;     end if;  end loop;end;$$;

【推荐】应尽量避免在 where 子句中使用!=或操作符,否则将引擎放弃使用索引而进行全表扫描。
1. partial index
这个是最有效的方法,可以使用到索引扫描,如果有其他条件,也可以在其他条件的索引上建立partial index.

create index idx1 on tbl (id) where cond1  xx;

2. 分区表

3. 约束

set constraint_exclusion=on;exec query;



postgres=# create table t21(id int, info text) with (autovacuum_enabled=on, toast.autovacuum_enabled=on, autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=0.005, toast.autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=0.005, autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor=0.01, autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=0, toast.autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay=0);CREATE TABLE

【推荐】PostgreSQL 对or的查询条件,会使用bitmap or进行索引的过滤,所以不需要改SQL语句,可以直接使用。

select * from tbl where col1 =1 or col1=2 or col2=1 or ...;select * from tbl where col1 in (1,2);

【推荐】很多时候用 exists 代替 in 是一个好的选择:

select num from a where num in (select num from b);


select num from a where exists(select 1 from b where num=a.num)


【推荐】对查询进行优化,应尽量避免全表扫描,首先应考虑在 where 及 order by 涉及的列上建立索引。

begin;explain (verbose,costs,timing,buffers,analyze) query;rollback;......

另外需要注意,如果开启了GEQO,当JOIN的表(含隐式JOIN,以及子查询) (full outer join 只算1)数量超过了geqo_threshold设置的值,则会触发遗传算法,可能无法得到最佳的JOIN顺序。

t1 join t2 on (xxx)  


t1, t2 where xxx


begin;set local join_collapse_limit=1;set local geqo=off;postgres=# create table t1(id int, info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t2(id int, info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t3(id int, info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t4(id int, info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t5(id int, info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t6(id int, info text);CREATE TABLEpostgres=# create table t7(id int, info text);CREATE TABLEJOIN顺序固定为如下postgres=# explain select * from t2 join t1 using (id) join t3 using (id) join t4 using (id) join t7 using (id) join t6 using (id) join t5 using (id);                                                          QUERY PLAN                                                           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merge Join  (cost=617.21..1482900.86 rows=83256006 width=228)   Merge Cond: (t5.id = t2.id)   ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)         Sort Key: t5.id         ->  Seq Scan on t5  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)   ->  Materialize  (cost=529.03..266744.20 rows=13111182 width=216)         ->  Merge Join  (cost=529.03..233966.24 rows=13111182 width=216)               Merge Cond: (t6.id = t2.id)               ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                     Sort Key: t6.id                     ->  Seq Scan on t6  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)               ->  Materialize  (cost=440.86..42365.87 rows=2064753 width=180)                     ->  Merge Join  (cost=440.86..37203.99 rows=2064753 width=180)                           Merge Cond: (t7.id = t2.id)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t7.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t7  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                           ->  Materialize  (cost=352.69..6951.07 rows=325158 width=144)                                 ->  Merge Join  (cost=352.69..6138.17 rows=325158 width=144)                                       Merge Cond: (t4.id = t2.id)                                       ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                             Sort Key: t4.id                                             ->  Seq Scan on t4  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                                       ->  Materialize  (cost=264.52..1294.30 rows=51206 width=108)                                             ->  Merge Join  (cost=264.52..1166.28 rows=51206 width=108)                                                   Merge Cond: (t3.id = t2.id)                                                   ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                                         Sort Key: t3.id                                                         ->  Seq Scan on t3  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                                                   ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)                                                         ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                                                               Merge Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)                                                               ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                                                     Sort Key: t2.id                                                                     ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                                                               ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                                                     Sort Key: t1.id                                                                     ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)(38 rows)end;


set join_collapse_limit=1;set geqo=off;postgres=# explain select * from t2 join t1 using (id) join t3 using (id) join t4 using (id) join t7 using (id) join t6 using (id) join t5 using (id);                                                          QUERY PLAN                                                           ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merge Join  (cost=617.21..1482900.86 rows=83256006 width=228)   Merge Cond: (t5.id = t2.id)   ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)         Sort Key: t5.id         ->  Seq Scan on t5  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)   ->  Materialize  (cost=529.03..266744.20 rows=13111182 width=216)         ->  Merge Join  (cost=529.03..233966.24 rows=13111182 width=216)               Merge Cond: (t6.id = t2.id)               ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                     Sort Key: t6.id                     ->  Seq Scan on t6  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)               ->  Materialize  (cost=440.86..42365.87 rows=2064753 width=180)                     ->  Merge Join  (cost=440.86..37203.99 rows=2064753 width=180)                           Merge Cond: (t7.id = t2.id)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t7.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t7  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                           ->  Materialize  (cost=352.69..6951.07 rows=325158 width=144)                                 ->  Merge Join  (cost=352.69..6138.17 rows=325158 width=144)                                       Merge Cond: (t4.id = t2.id)                                       ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                             Sort Key: t4.id                                             ->  Seq Scan on t4  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                                       ->  Materialize  (cost=264.52..1294.30 rows=51206 width=108)                                             ->  Merge Join  (cost=264.52..1166.28 rows=51206 width=108)                                                   Merge Cond: (t3.id = t2.id)                                                   ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                                         Sort Key: t3.id                                                         ->  Seq Scan on t3  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                                                   ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)                                                         ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                                                               Merge Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)                                                               ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                                                     Sort Key: t2.id                                                                     ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                                                               ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                                                     Sort Key: t1.id                                                                     ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)(38 rows)


postgres=# set join_collapse_limit=100;SETpostgres=# set geqo=off;SETpostgres=# explain select * from t2 join t1 using (id) join t3 using (id) join t4 using (id) join t7 using (id) join t6 using (id) join t5 using (id);                                        QUERY PLAN                                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merge Join  (cost=617.21..1255551.94 rows=83256006 width=228)   Merge Cond: (t2.id = t4.id)   ->  Merge Join  (cost=264.52..1166.28 rows=51206 width=108)         Merge Cond: (t3.id = t2.id)         ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)               Sort Key: t3.id               ->  Seq Scan on t3  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)         ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)               ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                     Merge Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t2.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t1.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)   ->  Materialize  (cost=352.69..6317.49 rows=325158 width=144)         ->  Merge Join  (cost=352.69..5504.60 rows=325158 width=144)               Merge Cond: (t4.id = t6.id)               ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                     Merge Cond: (t4.id = t7.id)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t4.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t4  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t7.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t7  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)               ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)                     ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                           Merge Cond: (t6.id = t5.id)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t6.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t6  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t5.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t5  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)(36 rows)


postgres=# set join_collapse_limit=1;SETpostgres=# set geqo=off;SETexplain select * from ((t4 join t7 using (id)) join (t6 join t5 using (id)) using (id)) join (t3 join (t2 join t1 using (id)) using (id)) using (id);postgres=# explain select * from ((t4 join t7 using (id)) join (t6 join t5 using (id)) using (id)) join (t3 join (t2 join t1 using (id)) using (id)) using (id);                                        QUERY PLAN                                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merge Join  (cost=617.21..1255482.81 rows=83245594 width=228)   Merge Cond: (t2.id = t4.id)   ->  Merge Join  (cost=264.52..1166.28 rows=51206 width=108)         Merge Cond: (t3.id = t2.id)         ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)               Sort Key: t3.id               ->  Seq Scan on t3  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)         ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)               ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                     Merge Cond: (t2.id = t1.id)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t2.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t1.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)   ->  Materialize  (cost=352.69..6317.45 rows=325140 width=144)         ->  Merge Join  (cost=352.69..5504.60 rows=325140 width=144)               Merge Cond: (t4.id = t6.id)               ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                     Merge Cond: (t4.id = t7.id)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t4.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t4  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t7.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t7  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)               ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)                     ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                           Merge Cond: (t6.id = t5.id)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t6.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t6  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t5.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t5  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)(36 rows)

【推荐】PG优化器可以提升子查询,转换为JOIN,以获得更好的执行计划,但是如何强制优化器使用子查询呢 ?
要固定FROM子查询,两个设置即可from_collapse_limit=1, geqo=off;

postgres=# set from_collapse_limit=1;  -- 这一不会提升子查询了, 但是JOIN顺序还是可能变化的,需要通过join_collapse_limit=1来设置SETpostgres=# set geqo=off;SETpostgres=# explain select * from t1 join t2 using (id) join (select * from t4) t4 using (id) join (select * from t6) t6 using (id) join (select * from t5) t5 using (id) join (select * from t3) t3 using (id);                                                    QUERY PLAN                                                     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merge Join  (cost=529.03..233966.24 rows=13111182 width=196)   Merge Cond: (t3.id = t1.id)   ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)         Sort Key: t3.id         ->  Seq Scan on t3  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)   ->  Materialize  (cost=440.86..42365.87 rows=2064753 width=180)         ->  Merge Join  (cost=440.86..37203.99 rows=2064753 width=180)               Merge Cond: (t5.id = t1.id)               ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                     Sort Key: t5.id                     ->  Seq Scan on t5  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)               ->  Materialize  (cost=352.69..6951.07 rows=325158 width=144)                     ->  Merge Join  (cost=352.69..6138.17 rows=325158 width=144)                           Merge Cond: (t6.id = t1.id)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t6.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t6  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                           ->  Materialize  (cost=264.52..1294.30 rows=51206 width=108)                                 ->  Merge Join  (cost=264.52..1166.28 rows=51206 width=108)                                       Merge Cond: (t4.id = t1.id)                                       ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                             Sort Key: t4.id                                             ->  Seq Scan on t4  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                                       ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)                                             ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                                                   Merge Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)                                                   ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                                         Sort Key: t1.id                                                         ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                                                   ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                                         Sort Key: t2.id                                                         ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)(32 rows)


postgres=# set join_collapse_limit=100;SETpostgres=# set from_collapse_limit=100;SETpostgres=# set geqo=off;SETpostgres=# explain select * from t1 join t2 using (id) join (select * from t4) t4 using (id) join (select * from t6) t6 using (id) join (select * from t5) t5 using (id) join (select * from t3) t3 using (id);                                        QUERY PLAN                                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merge Join  (cost=529.03..199114.66 rows=13111182 width=196)   Merge Cond: (t1.id = t6.id)   ->  Merge Join  (cost=264.52..1166.28 rows=51206 width=108)         Merge Cond: (t4.id = t1.id)         ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)               Sort Key: t4.id               ->  Seq Scan on t4  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)         ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)               ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                     Merge Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t1.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t2.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)   ->  Materialize  (cost=264.52..1294.30 rows=51206 width=108)         ->  Merge Join  (cost=264.52..1166.28 rows=51206 width=108)               Merge Cond: (t3.id = t6.id)               ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                     Sort Key: t3.id                     ->  Seq Scan on t3  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)               ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)                     ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                           Merge Cond: (t6.id = t5.id)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t6.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t6  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t5.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t5  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)(31 rows)


explain select * from ((select * from t4) t4 join (t1 join t2 using (id)) using (id)) join ((select * from t3) t3 join ((select * from t6) t6 join (select * from t5) t5 using (id)) using (id)) using (id);postgres=# set join_collapse_limit=1;SETpostgres=# set from_collapse_limit=1;SETpostgres=# set geqo=off;SETpostgres=# explain select * from ((select * from t4) t4 join (t1 join t2 using (id)) using (id)) join ((select * from t3) t3 join ((select * from t6) t6 join (select * from t5) t5 using (id)) using (id)) using (id);                                        QUERY PLAN                                         ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merge Join  (cost=529.03..199114.66 rows=13110272 width=196)   Merge Cond: (t1.id = t6.id)   ->  Merge Join  (cost=264.52..1166.28 rows=51206 width=108)         Merge Cond: (t4.id = t1.id)         ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)               Sort Key: t4.id               ->  Seq Scan on t4  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)         ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)               ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                     Merge Cond: (t1.id = t2.id)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t1.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t1  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                     ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                           Sort Key: t2.id                           ->  Seq Scan on t2  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)   ->  Materialize  (cost=264.52..1294.30 rows=51206 width=108)         ->  Merge Join  (cost=264.52..1166.28 rows=51206 width=108)               Merge Cond: (t3.id = t6.id)               ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                     Sort Key: t3.id                     ->  Seq Scan on t3  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)               ->  Materialize  (cost=176.34..323.83 rows=8064 width=72)                     ->  Merge Join  (cost=176.34..303.67 rows=8064 width=72)                           Merge Cond: (t6.id = t5.id)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t6.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t6  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)                           ->  Sort  (cost=88.17..91.35 rows=1270 width=36)                                 Sort Key: t5.id                                 ->  Seq Scan on t5  (cost=0.00..22.70 rows=1270 width=36)(31 rows)


create index idx_1 on tbl using gin (tsvector) with (fastupdate=on, gin_pending_list_limit=10240)



analyze tbl;select reltuples/relpages from tbl;

阿里云RDS PostgreSQL 使用规范

如果你是阿里云RDS PGSQL的用户,推荐你参考一下规范,阿里云RDS PGSQL提供了很多有趣的特性帮助用户解决社区版本不能解决的问题。


【推荐】对RT要求高的业务,请使用SLB链路 或 PROXY透传模式连接数据库。






test=> create extension pg_hint_plan;CREATE EXTENSIONtest=> alter role all set session_preload_libraries='pg_hint_plan';  ALTER ROLEtest=> create table test(id int primary key, info text);CREATE TABLEtest=> insert into test select generate_series(1,100000);INSERT 0 100000test=> explain select * from test where id=1;                              QUERY PLAN                               ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Index Scan using test_pkey on test  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=36)   Index Cond: (id = 1)(2 rows)test=> /*+ seqscan(test) */ explain select * from test where id=1;                        QUERY PLAN                        ---------------------------------------------------------- Seq Scan on test  (cost=0.00..1124.11 rows=272 width=36)   Filter: (id = 1)(2 rows)test=> /*+ bitmapscan(test) */ explain select * from test where id=1;                               QUERY PLAN                               ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bitmap Heap Scan on test  (cost=4.30..8.31 rows=1 width=36)   Recheck Cond: (id = 1)   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on test_pkey  (cost=0.00..4.30 rows=1 width=0)         Index Cond: (id = 1)(4 rows)

