(一)FISCO BCOS联盟链 安装


openssl, curl 安装


sudo apt install -y openssl curl


# ubuntu系统安装java 1.8以上都可以sudo apt-get -y install openjdk-11-jdk


  JDK 8和JDK11及以上的版本配置相差不多,JDK 8多了一个JRE的变量,具体配置如下:

# JDK 8

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_301

export JRE_HOME=$JAVA_HOME/jre


export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$JRE_HOME/bin

# JDK 11

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64


export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin



sudo vim /etc/profile

# 在文章末尾添加变量

# 配置生效

source /etc/profile


第一步. 创建操作目录, 下载安装脚本

## 创建操作目录cd ~ && mkdir -p fisco && cd fisco​## 下载脚本curl -#LO https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/releases/download/v2.8.0/build_chain.sh && chmod u+x build_chain.sh

第二步. 搭建单群组4节点联盟链

在fisco目录下执行下面的指令,生成一条单群组4节点的FISCO链。 请确保机器的30300~30303,20200~20203,8545~8548端口没有被占用。


  • 国密版本请执行 bash build_chain.sh -l -p 30300,20200,8545 -g -G

  • 其中-g表示生成国密配置,-G表示使用国密SSL连接

bash build_chain.sh -l -p 30300,20200,8545

第三步. 启动FISCO BCOS链

  • 启动所有节点

bash nodes/

启动成功会输出类似下面内容的响应。否则请使用netstat -an | grep tcp检查机器的30300~30303,20200~20203,8545~8548端口是否被占用。

try to start node0try to start node1try to start node2try to start node3 node1 start successfully node2 start successfully node0 start successfully node3 start successfully

第四步. 检查进程

  • 检查进程是否启动

ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep fisco-bcos

正常情况会有类似下面的输出; 如果进程数不为4,则进程没有启动(一般是端口被占用导致的)

fisco5453 11 17:11 pts/0 00:00:02 /home/ubuntu/fisco/nodes/ -c config.inifisco5459 11 17:11 pts/0 00:00:02 /home/ubuntu/fisco/nodes/ -c config.inifisco5464 11 17:11 pts/0 00:00:02 /home/ubuntu/fisco/nodes/ -c config.inifisco5476 11 17:11 pts/0 00:00:02 /home/ubuntu/fisco/nodes/ -c config.ini



cd ~/fisco && curl -LO https://github.com/FISCO-BCOS/console/releases/download/v2.8.0/download_console.sh && bash download_console.sh
  • 如果因为网络问题导致长时间无法下载,请尝试

    cd ~/fisco && curl -#LO https://gitee.com/FISCO-BCOS/console/raw/master-2.0/tools/download_console.sh && bash download_console.sh



# 最新版本控制台使用如下命令拷贝配置文件cp -n console/conf/config-example.toml console/conf/config.toml




  • 使用1.x版本控制台时:

    搭建国密版时,如果使用国密SSL请执行 cp nodes/* console/conf/搭建国密版时,请修改 applicationContext.xml 中 encryptType 修改为1

cp -r nodes/* console/conf/


  • 启动

cd ~/fisco/console && bash start.sh

输出下述信息表明启动成功 否则请检查conf/config.toml中节点端口配置是否正确

=============================================================================================Welcome to FISCO BCOS console(2.6.0)!Type 'help' or 'h' for help. Type 'quit' or 'q' to quit console. ____________________ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______| \|\ /\/\/\|\/\/\/\| $$$$$$$$ \$$$$$$|$$$$$$\|$$$$$$\|$$$$$$\| $$$$$$$\|$$$$$$\|$$$$$$\|$$$$$$\| $$__| $$| $$___\$$| $$\$$| $$| $$| $$__/ $$| $$\$$| $$| $$| $$___\$$| $$\ | $$\$$ \ | $$| $$| $$| $$ $$| $$| $$| $$ \$$ \| $$$$$ | $$_\$$$$$$\| $$__ | $$| $$| $$$$$$$\| $$__ | $$| $$ _\$$$$$$\| $$_| $$_ |\__| $$| $$__/\| $$__/ $$| $$__/ $$| $$__/\| $$__/ $$|\__| $$| $$|$$ \ \$$ $$ \$$ $$ \$$ $$| $$ $$ \$$ $$ \$$ $$ \$$ $$ \$$\$$$$$$\$$$$$$\$$$$$$\$$$$$$ \$$$$$$$\$$$$$$\$$$$$$\$$$$$$​=============================================================================================



  • 利用CNS部署和调用合约(推荐)

    • 部署合约: deployByCNS

    • 调用合约: callByCNS

    • 查询CNS部署合约信息: queryCNS

  • 普通部署和调用合约

    • 部署合约: deploy

    • 调用合约: call


  • 查询区块高度:getBlockNumber

  • 查询共识节点列表:getSealerList

  • 查询交易回执信息: getTransactionReceipt

  • 切换群组: switch


  • Ctrl+A:光标移动到行首

  • Ctrl+D:退出控制台

  • Ctrl+E:光标移动到行尾

  • Ctrl+R:搜索输入的历史命令

  • ↑:向前浏览历史命令

  • ↓:向后浏览历史命令



[group:1]> help* help([-h, -help, --h, --H, --help, -H, h])Provide help information* addObserverAdd an observer node* addSealer Add a sealer node* callCall a contract by a function and parameters* callByCNS Call a contract by a function and parameters by CNS* create Create table by sql* delete Remove records by sql* deploy Deploy a contract on blockchain* deployByCNSDeploy a contract on blockchain by CNS* descDescription table information* quit([quit, q, exit]) Quit console* freezeAccount Freeze the account* freezeContract Freeze the contract* generateGroup Generate a group for the specified node* generateGroupFromFile Generate group according to the specified file* getAccountStatusGetAccountStatus of the account* getAvailableConnectionsGet the connection information of the nodes connected with the sdk* getBatchReceiptsByBlockHashAndRangeGet batched transaction receipts according to block hash and the transaction range* getBatchReceiptsByBlockNumberAndRange Get batched transaction receipts according to block number and the transaction range* getBlockByHash Query information about a block by hash* getBlockByNumberQuery information about a block by number* getBlockHashByNumberQuery block hash by block number* getBlockHeaderByHashQuery information about a block header by hash* getBlockHeaderByNumber Query information about a block header by block number* getBlockNumber Query the number of most recent block* getCodeQuery code at a given address* getConsensusStatus Query consensus status* getContractStatus Get the status of the contract* getCryptoType Get the current crypto type* getCurrentAccount Get the current account info* getDeployLogQuery the log of deployed contracts* getGroupConnectionsGet the node information of the group connected to the SDK* getGroupListQuery group list* getGroupPeers Query nodeId list for sealer and observer nodes* getNodeIDList Query nodeId list for all connected nodes* getNodeInfoQuery the specified node information.* getNodeVersion Query the current node version* getObserverListQuery nodeId list for observer nodes.* getPbftViewQuery the pbft view of node* getPeersQuery peers currently connected to the client* getPendingTransactions Query pending transactions* getPendingTxSizeQuery pending transactions size* getSealerList Query nodeId list for sealer nodes* getSyncStatus Query sync status* getSystemConfigByKeyQuery a system config value by key* getTotalTransactionCountQuery total transaction count* getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex Query information about a transaction by block hash and transaction index position* getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndexQuery information about a transaction by block number and transaction index position* getTransactionByHashQuery information about a transaction requested by transaction hash* getTransactionByHashWithProof Query the transaction and transaction proof by transaction hash* getTransactionReceipt Query the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash* getTransactionReceiptByHashWithProofQuery the receipt and transaction receipt proof by transaction hash* grantCNSManagerGrant permission for CNS by address* grantCommitteeMemberGrant the account committee member* grantContractStatusManager Grant contract authorization to the user* grantContractWritePermissionGrant the account the contract write permission.* grantDeployAndCreateManagerGrant permission for deploy contract and create user table by address* grantNodeManagerGrant permission for node configuration by address* grantOperator Grant the account operator* grantSysConfigManager Grant permission for system configuration by address* grantUserTableManager Grant permission for user table by table name and address* insert Insert records by sql* listAbiList functions and events info of the contract.* listAccountList the current saved account list* listCNSManager Query permission information for CNS* listCommitteeMembersList all committee members* listContractStatusManager List the authorization of the contract* listContractWritePermissionQuery the account list which have write permission of the contract.* listDeployAndCreateManager Query permission information for deploy contract and create user table* listDeployContractAddress List the contractAddress for the specified contract* listNodeManagerQuery permission information for node configuration* listOperators List all operators* listSysConfigManagerQuery permission information for system configuration* listUserTableManagerQuery permission for user table information* loadAccountLoad account for the transaction signature* newAccount Create account* queryCNSQuery CNS information by contract name and contract version* queryCommitteeMemberWeight Query the committee member weight* queryGroupStatusQuery the status of the specified group of the specified node* queryThreshold Query the threshold* queryVotesOfMember Query votes of a committee member.* queryVotesOfThreshold Query votes of updateThreshold operation* recoverGroupRecover the specified group of the specified node* registerCNSRegisterCNS information for the given contract* removeGroupRemove the specified group of the specified node* removeNode Remove a node* revokeCNSManagerRevoke permission for CNS by address* revokeCommitteeMember Revoke the account from committee member* revokeContractStatusManagerRevoke contract authorization to the user* revokeContractWritePermission Revoke the account the contract write permission* revokeDeployAndCreateManagerRevoke permission for deploy contract and create user table by address* revokeNodeManager Revoke permission for node configuration by address* revokeOperator Revoke the operator* revokeSysConfigManager Revoke permission for system configuration by address* revokeUserTableManager Revoke permission for user table by table name and address* switch([s])Switch to a specific group by group ID* select Select records by sql* setSystemConfigByKeySet a system config value by key* startGroup Start the specified group of the specified node* stopGroup Stop the specified group of the specified node* unfreezeAccountUnfreeze the account* unfreezeContractUnfreeze the contract* update Update records by sql* updateCommitteeMemberWeightUpdate the committee member weight* updateThresholdUpdate the threshold---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • help显示每条命令的含义是:命令 命令功能描述

  • 查看具体命令的使用介绍说明,输入命令 -h或–help查看。例如:

[group:1]> getBlockByNumber -hQuery information about a block by block number.Usage:getBlockByNumber blockNumber [boolean]* blockNumber -- Integer of a block number, from 0 to 2147483647.* boolean -- (optional) If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.



[group:1]> switch 2Switched to group 2.​[group:2]>


FISCO BCOS引入了游离节点、观察者节点和共识节点,这三种节点类型可通过控制台相互转换。

  • 共识节点:参与共识的节点,拥有群组的所有数据(搭链时默认都生成共识节点)。

  • 观察者节点:不参与共识,但能实时同步链上数据的节点。

  • 游离节点:已启动,待等待加入群组的节点。处在一种暂时的节点状态,不能获取链上的数据。


  • addSealer:根据节点NodeID设置对应节点为共识节点

  • addObserver:根据节点NodeID设置对应节点为观察节点

  • removeNode:根据节点NodeID设置对应节点为游离节点

  • getSealerList:查看群组中共识节点列表

  • getObserverList:查看群组中观察节点列表

  • getNodeIDList:查看节点已连接的所有其他节点的NodeID





  1. 获取证书生成脚本

curl -#LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/master-2.0/tools/gen_node_cert.sh


  • 如果因为网络问题导致长时间无法下载,请尝试curl -#LO https://gitee.com/FISCO-BCOS/FISCO-BCOS/raw/master-2.0/tools/gen_node_cert.sh

  1. 生成新节点私钥证书

# -c指定机构证书及私钥所在路径# -o输出到指定文件夹,其中node4/conf中会存在机构agency新签发的证书和私钥# 成功会输出 All completed 提示bash gen_node_cert.sh -c ../cert/agency -o node4


bash gen_node_cert.sh -c ../cert/agency -o node4 -g ../gmcert/agency/


  1. 拷贝node0/config.ininode0/start.shnode0/stop.sh到node4目录;

cp node0/config.ini node0/start.sh node0/stop.sh node4/
  1. 修改node4/config.ini。对于[rpc]模块,修改channel_listen_port=20204jsonrpc_listen_port=8549;对于[p2p]模块,修改listen_port=30304并在node.中增加自身节点信息;

$ vim node4/config.ini[rpc] ;rpc listen ip listen_ip= ;channelserver listen port channel_listen_port=20204 ;jsonrpc listen port jsonrpc_listen_port=8549[p2p] ;p2p listen ip listen_ip= ;p2p listen port listen_port=30304 ;nodes to connect node.0= node.1= node.2= node.3= node.4=
  1. 节点3拷贝节点1的node0/conf/group.1.genesis(内含群组节点初始列表)和node0/conf/group.1.ininode4/conf目录下,不需改动;

cp node0/conf/group.1.genesis node0/conf/group.1.ini node4/conf/
  1. 执行node4/start.sh启动节点;

bash node4/start.sh
  1. 确认node4与其他节点连接已经建立,加入网络操作完成。

tail -f node4/log/log*| grep "connected count"
# 以下日志表明节点node4与其他4个节点建立了连接info|2020-12-22 20:44:36.113611|[P2P][Service] heartBeat,connected count=4info|2020-12-22 20:44:46.117942|[P2P][Service] heartBeat,connected count=4info|2020-12-22 20:44:56.120799|[P2P][Service] heartBeat,connected count=4



cat node4/conf/node.nodeid

得到类似下面的字符串就是nodeid,nodeid是节点公钥的16进制表示,国密请执行cat node4/conf/gmnode.nodeid



  1. 回到cd ~/fisco/console路径,bash start.sh进入控制台


[group:1]> getObserverList[]​[group:1]> addObserver 94ae60f93ef9a25a93666e0149b7b4cb0e044a61b7dcd1b00096f2bdb17d1c6853fc81a24e037c9d07803fcaf78f768de2ba56a4f729ef91baeadaa55a8ccd6e{ "code":1, "msg":"Success"}​[group:1]> getObserverList[ 94ae60f93ef9a25a93666e0149b7b4cb0e044a61b7dcd1b00096f2bdb17d1c6853fc81a24e037c9d07803fcaf78f768de2ba56a4f729ef91baeadaa55a8ccd6e]
  1. 使用addSealer将node4作为共识节点加入群组1

[group:1]> getSealerList[ 6c41f7e138051a13a220cb186e934398e37700295ff355b87f113704996b3e03750100e16653cda18b5f954d3b7b08d068ca4a9d65cec5a40db980b697ffb699, 7404cdf7f34f038aba90059ff25dc5f05f538010c55e98976aea6bc954910f34f15a255869751c8fe564bdb0fa1eee8e2db47eeca0fdd1359beaac6adcd37ede, a7b856e5b59072c809ea963fa45ede72f7d37561affff989fbede6cd61a40137e2146db205434788e61b89a57f08c614cd283e5e915c23714c2fa685237e8bdb, e5ea1e18717418a57f115bf1cea5168250f86e5b77f74dd15d0c4bf3758ca37002059ba2e54131296d1646a62be5faf85e243dac8d33d452acd63e20428b72ed]​[group:1]> addSealer 94ae60f93ef9a25a93666e0149b7b4cb0e044a61b7dcd1b00096f2bdb17d1c6853fc81a24e037c9d07803fcaf78f768de2ba56a4f729ef91baeadaa55a8ccd6e{ "code":1, "msg":"Success"}​[group:1]> getSealerList[ 6c41f7e138051a13a220cb186e934398e37700295ff355b87f113704996b3e03750100e16653cda18b5f954d3b7b08d068ca4a9d65cec5a40db980b697ffb699, 7404cdf7f34f038aba90059ff25dc5f05f538010c55e98976aea6bc954910f34f15a255869751c8fe564bdb0fa1eee8e2db47eeca0fdd1359beaac6adcd37ede, a7b856e5b59072c809ea963fa45ede72f7d37561affff989fbede6cd61a40137e2146db205434788e61b89a57f08c614cd283e5e915c23714c2fa685237e8bdb, e5ea1e18717418a57f115bf1cea5168250f86e5b77f74dd15d0c4bf3758ca37002059ba2e54131296d1646a62be5faf85e243dac8d33d452acd63e20428b72ed, 94ae60f93ef9a25a93666e0149b7b4cb0e044a61b7dcd1b00096f2bdb17d1c6853fc81a24e037c9d07803fcaf78f768de2ba56a4f729ef91baeadaa55a8ccd6e]




  1. 下载安装包

    wget https://osp-1257653870.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/WeBASE/releases/download/v1.5.4/webase-front.zip
  2. 解压

    unzip webase-front.zipcd webase-front



  • 链的sdk目录包含了ca.crt, sdk.crt, sdk.keygm文件夹,gm文件夹包含了国密SSL所需的证书

  • 拷贝命令可使用cp -r nodes/${ip}/sdk/* ./conf/

  • 注,只有在建链时手动指定了-G(大写)时节点才会使用国密SSL

  1. 服务启停


    启动: bash start.sh停止: bash stop.sh检查: bash status.sh 


访问 http://{deployIP}:{frontPort}/WeBASE-Front