


1.1 SQL


<!-- List selectAnimesByConditionUserIf(@Param("cid") Integer cid,@Param("author") String author);  -->    select  `id`,    `cid`,    `name`,    `author`,    `actor`,    `produce`,    `create_date`    from `animes`    where `create_date` < now()            cid = #{cid}                and author like concat('%',#{author},'%')    


Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` where `create_date` < now() and author like concat('%',?,'%')

1.2 测试

@Testpublic void testMybatisMapperDynamicSQlUserIf() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    //执行动态SQL,查询动漫列表    List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserIf(0, "土豆");    animeList.forEach(System.out::println);}

2、where + if

  • 动态标签组合:当where标签中,有if条件成立时自动增加where关键字,如果所有的if都不成立,也不会多增加where关键字

  • 当where标签中,if成立,增加的SQL语句,前面多出现一个and或者 or关键字,会被自动过滤(剔除),但是末尾出现的,不会被剔除

  • where标签中,也可以增加固定条件,再实际开发过程中,建议where标签中,必须写固定条件,不能全部写if判断;

2.1 SQL

<!--   List selectAnimesByConditionUserIfWhere(@Param("cid") Integer cid,@Param("author") String author); -->    select  `id`,    `cid`,    `name`,    `author`,    `actor`,    `produce`,    `create_date`    from `animes`                        and cid = #{cid}                            and author like concat('%',#{author},'%')            


Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE author like concat('%',?,'%')

2.2 测试

@Testpublic void testMybatisMapperDynamicSQlUserIfWhere() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    //执行动态SQL,查询动漫列表    List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserIfWhere(0, "土豆");    animeList.forEach(System.out::println);    }

3、trim + if

  • + :可以实现动态SQL的定制操作,比如:where标签无法屏蔽末尾多出来的and或者or关键字,前缀 和后缀增加的内容,只有标签中的if标签成立,(需要增加条件,才拼接where);
  • prefix:增加前缀固定字符串;
  • prefixOverrides:前缀覆盖(自动剔除指定的关键字);
  • suffix:增加后缀固定字符串;
  • suffixOverrides:后缀覆盖(自动剔除指定的关键字);

3.1 SQL

  • “and |or” 中间一般都会添加一个空格;
<!--  List selectAnimesByConditionUserIfTrim(@Param("cid") Integer cid,@Param("author") String author); -->    select  `id`,    `cid`,    `name`,    `author`,    `actor`,    `produce`,    `create_date`    from `animes`                        cid = #{cid} and                            author like concat('%',#{author},'%') and            


Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` where author like concat('%',?,'%') ;

3.2 测试

@Testpublic void testMybatisMapperDynamicSQlUserIfTerm() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    //执行动态SQL,查询动漫列表    List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserIfTrim(0, "土豆");    animeList.forEach(System.out::println);}

4、set + if update4.1SQL

    update `animes`             `cid` = #{cid},         `name` = #{name},         `author` = #{author},         `actor` = #{actor},         `produce` = #{produce},         `create_date` = #{createDate},        where `id` = #{id}


Preparing: update `animes` SET `name` = ?, `author` = ? where `id` = ?

4.2 测试

@Testpublic  void testMybatisMapperDynamicSQlIfSetUpd() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    //模拟前端提供更新参数,实现动态更新,给说明值,就更新什么指端    Anime animeForm = new Anime();    animeForm.setId(637);    animeForm.setName("武动乾坤KGC");    animeForm.setAuthor("土豆KGC");    int row = animeMapper.updateAnimeByConditionUserIfSet(animeForm);    System.out.println(row);}

5、trim + if update5.1 SQL

             `cid` = #{cid},         `name` = #{name},         `author` = #{author},         `actor` = #{actor},         `produce` = #{produce},         `create_date` = #{createDate},        where `id` = #{id}


Preparing: update `animes` set `name` = ?, `author` = ? where `id` = ?

5.2 测试

@Testpublic  void testMybatisMapperDynamicSQlIfTrimUpd() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    //模拟前端提供更新参数,实现动态更新,给说明值,就更新什么指端    Anime animeForm = new Anime();    animeForm.setId(637);    animeForm.setName("武动乾坤22KGC");    animeForm.setAuthor("土豆22KGC");    int row = animeMapper.updateAnimeByConditionUserIfTrim(animeForm);    System.out.println(row);}

6、where + choose + when (判断条件测试)



6.1 单引号与双引号的区别6.1.1 test=’cid != null and cid == “1”‘


<!--List selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise(@Param("cid") String cid); -->    select  `id`,    `cid`,    `name`,    `author`,    `actor`,    `produce`,    `create_date`    from `animes`                                                    and cid = 1                                        and cid = 2                                        and cid = 3                        

6.1.1 测试

List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("2");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)

6.1.2 test=”cid != null and cid == ‘1’”


...                and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...

6.1.2 测试

List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("2");


-- SQL没有报错,但是 cid == 2 的条件没有成立,而是走了默认参数 cid = 3Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 3-- 可以查到数据,但是数据不正确,是cid=3的数据Anime(id=301, cid=3, name=完美世界, author=辰东, actor=石昊, produce=玄机科技, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)

6.1.3 单引号和双引号总结


6.2 == 和 eq 的区别6.2.1 ==

...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...

6.2.1 测试

List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("2");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)

6.2.2 eq

...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...

6.2.2 测试

List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("2");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)

6.3 “str” 和 “str”.toString() 的区别6.3.1 “2” 和 “2”toString()”2″

...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("2");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)


...              and cid = 1                   and cid = 2                   and cid = 3     ...


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("2");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)

6.3.2 “B” 和 “B”.toString() 的区别”B”

...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("B");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)


...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("B");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)

6.3.3 “22” 和 “22”.toString()”22″

            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("22");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)


...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("22");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)

6.3.4 “BB” 和 “BB”.toString()”BB”

...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("BB");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)


...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("BB");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)

6.3.5 “任意字符2” 和 “任意字符2”.toString()”任意字符2″

...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("任意字符2");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)


...            and cid = 1                and cid = 2                and cid = 3    ...


List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserChooseWhenOtherwise("任意字符2");


-- SQL正常Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE cid = 2-- 可以查到正确数据Anime(id=201, cid=2, name=海贼王, author=尾田, actor=路飞, produce=腾讯动漫, createDate=Tue Apr 05 00:00:00 CST 2022)Anime(id=627, cid=2, name=魁拔3, author=青春树, actor=蛮吉, produce=青春树, createDate=Tue Jan 07 00:00:00 CST 2003)

6.4 总结




7.1 SQL7.1.1 起别名 where + foreach (in)

使用 in;

<!--List selectAnimesByConditionUserForeach(@Param("ids") List ids);-->    select  `id`,            `cid`,            `name`,            `author`,            `actor`,            `produce`,            `create_date`    from `animes`                    #{id}        


Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE id in( ? , ? , ? )

7.1.2 不起别名 where + foreach (in)

使用 in;

<!--   List selectAnimesByConditionUserForeach( List ids);  -->    select  `id`,            `cid`,            `name`,            `author`,            `actor`,            `produce`,            `create_date`    from `animes`                        #{id}               


Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` WHERE id in( ? , ? , ? )

7.1.3 起别名 foreach (in)


使用 in;

<!--List selectAnimesByConditionUserForeach(@Param("ids") List ids);-->    select  `id`,            `cid`,            `name`,            `author`,            `actor`,            `produce`,            `create_date`    from `animes`            #{id}    


Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` where id in( ? , ? , ? )

7.1.4 起别名 trim + foreach (in)


使用 in;

通过7.1.3和7.1.4 可以总结,trim 和 foreach 都有前缀,后缀和分隔符,可以根据情况进项选择使用;

<!--List selectAnimesByConditionUserForeach(@Param("ids") List ids);-->    select  `id`,            `cid`,            `name`,            `author`,            `actor`,            `produce`,            `create_date`    from `animes`                    #{id}             


Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` where id in ( ? , ? , ? )

7.1.5 起别名 foreach (or)


使用 or;

<!--List selectAnimesByConditionUserForeach(@Param("ids") List ids);-->    select  `id`,            `cid`,            `name`,            `author`,            `actor`,            `produce`,            `create_date`    from `animes`            id = #{id}    


Preparing: select `id`, `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce`, `create_date` from `animes` where id = ? or id = ? or id = ?

7.2 测试

@Testpublic void testMybatisMapperDynamicSQlUserForeach() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    //执行动态SQL,查询动漫列表    List animeList = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserForeach(Arrays.asList(101,102,103));    animeList.forEach(System.out::println);}

8、trim + if insert8.1 SQL

             `cid`,         `name`,         `author`,         `actor`,         `produce`,         `create_date`,                 #{cid},         #{name},         #{author},         #{actor},         #{produce},         #{createDate},    


insert into `animes` ( `cid`, `name`, `author`, `actor`, `produce` ) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )

8.2 测试

@Testpublic  void testMybatisMapperDynamicSQlIfTrimInsert() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    Anime animeForm = new Anime();    animeForm.setCid(1);    animeForm.setName("知否知否");    animeForm.setAuthor("关心则乱");    animeForm.setActor("明兰");    animeForm.setProduce("优酷");    //指定if+ trim 冬天SQL,新增动漫    int row = animeMapper.insertAnimeByConditionIfTrim(animeForm);    System.out.println(row);}

9、@ Select


9.1 SQL

@Select("select `id`,`cid`,`name`,`author`,`actor`,`produce`,`create_date` from `animes` where id = #{id} ")Anime selectAnimesByConditionUserAnnotationSelect(Integer id);


Preparing: select `id`,`cid`,`name`,`author`,`actor`,`produce`,`create_date` from `animes` where id = ?

9.2 测试

@Testpublic  void  testAnimesByConditionUserAnnotationSelect() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    Anime anime = animeMapper.selectAnimesByConditionUserAnnotationSelect(653);    System.out.println(anime);}

10、@Delete 批量删除10.1 SQL

@Delete({"",            "delete from `animes`",            " " ,            "      #{id} ",            "" ,            ""})int deleteAnimesByConditionUserAnnotationDelete(@Param("ids") List ids);


Preparing: delete from `animes` where id in ( ? , ? , ? )

10.2 测试

@Testpublic void testDeleteAnimesByConditionUserAnnotationDelete() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    int row = animeMapper.deleteAnimesByConditionUserAnnotationDelete(Arrays.asList(649, 651, 652));    System.out.println(row);}

11、批量加入动漫分类11.1 SQL

<!-- int insertCategoryBatchUserFoeEach(List categoryList) --><!-- int insertCategoryBatchUserFoeEach(@Param("categoryList") List categoryList); -->    insert into `category` (`name`) values                (#{category.name})    


Preparing: insert into `category` (`name`) values (?) , (?) , (?)

11.2 测试

@Testpublic void testInsertCategoryBatchUserFoeEach() throws IOException {    SqlSession defaultSqlSession = getSqlSessionFactory().openSession(true);    //获取mapper接口的代理实现类对象    AnimeMapper animeMapper = defaultSqlSession.getMapper(AnimeMapper.class);    Category category1 = new Category();    Category category2 = new Category();    Category category3 = new Category();    category1.setName("aaa");    category2.setName("bbb");    category3.setName("ccc");    List categoryList = new ArrayList();    categoryList.add(category1);    categoryList.add(category2);    categoryList.add(category3);    int row = animeMapper.insertCategoryBatchUserFoeEach(categoryList);    System.out.println(row);}